Statistics Explained

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  • A bovine refers to a domestic animal of the species Bos taurus (cattle) or Bubalus bubalis (water buffalo), and also includes ... *Cattle (Bos taurus, L.) *Buffalo, such as water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) *Bison (Bison spp.) *Hybrids, such as Beefalo (Bos ...
    1 KB (209 words) - 16:26, 9 August 2023
  • Rind bezieht sich auf Haustiere der Arten Bos taurus (Rinder) oder Bubalus bubalis (Wasserbüffel) und umfasst auch Hybriden ... *Rinder (Bos taurus, L.) *Büffel, wie zum Beispiel Wasserbüffel (Bubalus bubalis L.) *Bison (Bison spp.) *Hybriden, wie zum ...
    1 KB (213 words) - 16:06, 13 January 2021
  • Un bovin est un animal domestique de l’espèce Bos taurus (bœuf) ou Bubalus bubalis (buffle d’eau) et comprend également ... *Bœuf (Bos taurus, L.) *Buffle d'eau (Bubalus bubalis L.) *Bison (Bison spp.) *Hybrides, tels que Beefalo (Bos Taurus x ...
    1 KB (221 words) - 16:07, 13 January 2021
  • Rinder sind Haustiere der Arten Bos taurus und Bubalus bubalis, einschließlich Hybriden wie beispielsweise Beefalo. Unterschieden werden kann nach Alter der Tiere (unter einem Jahr, ein bis zwei Jahre, zwei Jahre und darüber) sowie zwischen männlichen und weiblichen ...
    821 bytes (111 words) - 15:23, 13 January 2021
  • Cattle refers to domestic animals of the species Bos taurus (cattle and water buffalo Bubalus bubalis together are called bovines). A distinction can be made by the age of the animal (less than one year old, aged between one and two years, and two years and over ...
    821 bytes (120 words) - 16:49, 9 August 2023
  • Le terme «bovin» désigne les animaux domestiques des espèces Bos taurus et Bubalus bubali, y compris les espèces hybrides comme Beefalo. Les animaux peuvent être distingués en fonction de leur âge (moins d’un an, entre un et deux ans, deux ans et plus ...
    870 bytes (138 words) - 15:23, 13 January 2021
  • when you want to highlight specific economic phenomena,’ said Frits Bos, private consultant in national accounting and economist ... issues, like economic growth and public finance,’ explained Mr Bos. The first experiments with satellite accounts and tables ...
    12 KB (1,755 words) - 17:24, 24 October 2013
  • :E1: Landwirtschaft und Fischerei: Marco Artico, Ludivine Baudouin, Steffie Bos, Fausto Cardoso, Catherine Coyette, Giovanni Dore, Matthew Elliott, Henri-François Fank, Annabelle Jansen, Jean-Claude Jeanty, Werner Kerschenbauer, Garry Mahon, Pol Marquer, Carla ...
    6 KB (676 words) - 15:14, 7 February 2013
  • Annabelle Jansen, Franco Zampogna, Steffie Bos and Gita Vergina, the Head of Eurostat’s Agriculture and Fisheries Unit.© European Union]] Fish know no borders and the activities of one fishing fleet have a direct impact on fishing opportunities of other fleets ...
    8 KB (1,202 words) - 14:16, 15 July 2013
  • :E1 Agriculture et pêche: Marco Artico, Ludivine Baudouin, Steffie Bos, Fausto Cardoso, Catherine Coyette, Giovanni Dore, Matthew Elliott, Henri-François Fank, Annabelle Jansen, Jean-Claude Jeanty, Werner Kerschenbauer, Garry Mahon, Pol Marquer, Carla Martins ...
    6 KB (768 words) - 15:15, 7 February 2013
  • international standardisation, and applications in the Netherlands, Bos Fritz, Eagle Economic &Statistics, Working Paper, 2008-1]] ... *Bos F., MPRA - [ ...
    33 KB (4,711 words) - 17:33, 2 September 2019
  • international standardization, and applications in the Netherlands, Bos Fritz, Eagle Economic & Statistics, Documento de Trabajo ... *Bos F., MPRA - [ ...
    37 KB (5,926 words) - 17:36, 2 September 2019
  • Finland (6,5 %) en Zweden (6,9 %), waar het landschap gedomineerd werd door bos. Deze twee Scandinavische landen waren de enige EU-lidstaten waar een groter gedeelte van de oppervlakte uit bebost gebied bestond dan uit voor landbouw gebruikt gebied. ...
    23 KB (3,147 words) - 15:53, 23 July 2021
  • *Bos, F., MPRA :[ Compiling the national accounts demystified], 2007; Chapter III: The compilation process; Chapter V: How to improve compiling national accounts :[https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen ...
    67 KB (9,696 words) - 08:55, 31 August 2022
  • *Bos, F., MPRA :[ Compiling the national accounts demystified], 2007; Chapter III: The compilation process; Chapter V: How to improve compiling national accounts :[https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen ...
    76 KB (12,207 words) - 09:00, 31 August 2022
  • *Bos, F., MPRA :[ Use, misuse and proper use of national accounts in statistics], 2007; Chapitre IV: Tool for commu-nication and decision making :[ ...
    79 KB (12,731 words) - 08:58, 31 August 2022