Statistics Explained

Agri-environmental indicators

This is the stable Version.

This Eurostat online publication presents a detailed overview of an updated set of 28 agri-environmental indicators for the European Union (EU) intended to monitor the integration of environmental concerns into the Common agricultural policy (CAP).

Table of contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Policy background
1.2 Establishing agri-environmental indicators
1.3 Fact sheets - DPSIR framework

2. Fact sheets

2.1 Responses

2.1.1 Agri-environmental commitments (archived)
2.1.2 Agri-environmental indicator - Natura 2000 agricultural areas - See CAP Context indicator 34: NATURA 2000 areas
2.1.3 Farmers’ training level and use of environmental farm advisory services - See CAP Context indicator 24: Agricultural training of farm managers
2.1.4 Area under organic farming (see Organic farming statistics)

2.2 Driving forces

2.2.1 Mineral fertiliser consumption
2.2.2 Consumption of pesticides
2.2.3 Irrigation
2.2.4 Energy use
2.2.5 Land use change
2.2.6 Cropping patterns and Livestock patterns
2.2.7 Soil cover, Tillage practices, Manure storage
2.2.8 Intensification/extensification - See CAP Context indicator 33: Farming intensity
2.2.9 Specialisation
2.2.10 Risk of land abandonment (archived)

2.3 Pressures and risks

2.3.1 Gross nitrogen balance (archived)
2.3.2 Risk of pollution by phosphorus (archived)
2.3.3 Pesticide risk
2.3.4 Ammonia emissions (archived)
2.3.5 Greenhouse gas emissions - See Climate change - driving forces
2.3.6 Water abstraction - See CAP Context indicator 39: Water abstraction in agriculture
2.3.7 Soil erosion
2.3.8 Genetic diversity
2.3.9 High Nature Value farmland
2.3.10 Production of renewable energy - See CAP Context indicator 43: Production of renewable energy from agriculture and forestry

2.4 State / impact

2.4.1 Population trends of farmland birds - See Biodiversity statistics or Common farmland birds in the EU
2.4.2 Soil quality (archived)
2.4.3 Water quality - Nitrate pollution (archived) - See Waterbase
2.4.4 Water quality - Pesticide pollution (archived) - See Waterbase
2.4.5 Landscape - state and diversity (archived)