Statistics Explained

Archive:Road freight vehicle statistics - lorries, road tractors and trailers

Data from Month YYYY. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables and Database. Planned article update: (dd) Month YYYY(, hh:00).

<Introduction: simple language, not too long, kind of executive summary>

Table, Figure or Map X: Full title of the Table, Figure or Map
Source: Eurostat (educ_ilang)

Main statistical findings

<description and/or analysis of most important statistical data, illustrated by tables and/or figures and/or maps>

Text with Footnote [1]

Subdivision 1

Subdivision 2

Data sources and availability

<description of data sources, survey and data availability (completeness, recency) and limitations>


The Common Questionnaire on Inland Transport is a joint project of Eurostat, the International Transport Forum (ITF) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The data are provided on a voluntary basis by a large number of countries, both within and outside the European Union. Data is collected from reliable sources, but data collection methodologies are not harmonised at EU level. Comparability across countries is restricted as the classifications used in the national vehicle registers are not harmonised. Vehicles registers may exclude taxis, pick-up and vans, and may also exclude very old vehicles. This article covers data provided by the EU member states, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries and EU enlargement countries.

See also

Further Eurostat information

Data visualisation


Main tables

Road transport (t_road)


Road transport (road)
Road transport equipment - Stock of vehicles (road_eqs)
Road transport equipment - New registration of vehicles (road_eqr)

Dedicated section

Methodology / Metadata

Source data for tables, figures and maps (MS Excel)

Other information

External links


  1. Text of the footnote.

[[Category:<Infrastructure and means>|Road freight vehicle statistics - lorries, road tractors and trailers]] [[Category:<Road>|Road freight vehicle statistics - lorries, road tractors and trailers]] [[Category:<Statistical_article>|Road freight vehicle statistics - lorries, road tractors and trailers]] [[Category:<Transport>|Road freight vehicle statistics - lorries, road tractors and trailers]]