Statistics Explained

Search results

  • This article provides a short analysis of key macroeconomic indicators of two institutional sectors of the economy: households and non-financial corporations. Data extracted in May 2021. No planned update for this article. Household saving ...
    22 KB (3,219 words) - 10:29, 19 July 2024
  • 2 Data from October 2012 This article presents key messages from selected European Union (EU) annual national accounts figures, together with some practical and methodological background information. National accounts are a powerful source ...
    25 KB (3,574 words) - 10:13, 14 August 2023
  • EU statistics on non-financial corporations profits, investments, saving, and net lending and borrowing. Data extracted in November 2023. Planned article update: November 2024. In 2022, non-financial corporations in the EU had a profit ...
    34 KB (4,969 words) - 17:24, 16 April 2024
  • This article is part of a set of background articles explaining in some detail how statistics producers, such as national or international statistical institutes, may build a coherent system of national accounts (SNA), especially in developing ...
    89 KB (13,668 words) - 15:47, 16 October 2019
  • = Formulación del sistema de cuentas nacionales - tablas de origen y destino = Este artículo forma parte de un conjunto de artículos que explican en detalle la manera en que los productores de estadísticas, como los institutos nacionales ...
    100 KB (16,807 words) - 14:40, 26 August 2019
  • National accounts statistics are the source of important economic indicators for the European Union (EU) and its EU countries, such as gross domestic product (GDP), which measures the overall size of an economy. Data extracted in June 2024. ...
    64 KB (9,412 words) - 15:03, 27 June 2024