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Total results: 462.

This is the highlights report of a dedicated ENRD workshop at the 11th OECD Rural Development Conference.

It overviews examples of rural business, education and regional development in terms of changing skill-sets and ways of ensuring a well-trained and flexible workforce for the future in rural areas.

This is the highlights report of a dedicated ENRD workshop at the 11th OECD Rural Development Conference.

It overviews innovative technologies that can be used to improve the way rural areas address climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as means of enabling implementation.

This is the main report of the third meeting of the ENRD Thematic Group (TG) on ‘Sustainable management of water and soils’.
It outlines the outcomes of TG discussions on the three main sub-themes: results-based payments schemes; collective approaches; and nutrients management on the basis of the TG's analytical work.
This is the main report of a dedicated ENRD workshop aimed at National Rural Network (NRN) representatives.
It overviews NRN support to the delivery of regional Rural Development Programmes (RDPs), exploring their diverse structures and how greater cooperation can be achieved between EU Member States and regions.
This is the main report of the tenth meeting of the National Rural Networks (NRNs) in the 2014-2020 period.
It overviews inspirational projects and discussions on developing the themes of short supply chains, rural mobility and digital villages, as well as ongoing joint NRN activities.

This is the main report of a dedicated ENRD workshop identifying the factors which would help to improve LEADER innovation. It features a discussion on the role of controls and audit expectations.

Diese Ausgabe der ELER-Projektbroschüre hat zum Thema, wie die teils vom ELER bereitgestellten Fördermittel für Entwicklungsprogramme für den ländlichen Raum (EPLR) verwendet worden sind, um die nachhaltige Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen– insbesondere Wasser und Böden –zuunterstützen.

Das Konzept Ressourceneffizienz beruht auf dem Prinzip „mitwenigermehr erreichen“. Dementsprechend stehendie in dieser Ausgabevorgestellten Projektefürbeispielgebende Methodenzur Erzielung eines größeren ökonomischen und ökologischen Nutzens mitgeringeremMitteleinsatz.

Der Europäische Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums (ELER) leistetwertvolle Unterstützungfür dieWirtschaft in den ländlichen Gebieten Europas und ermöglicht einen schnelleren Übergang zu einer umweltschonenderen Landwirtschaft.

This is the main report of a dedicated ENRD event on the proposed transition to a new delivery model for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) based on performance.
It overviews ideas for and experiences with a performance-based model and features discussions on practical aspects.
