ENRD Newsletter - July 2016

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  EU Rural Review 22 now online!  
EU Rural Review 22 addresses the topic of ‘Smart and Competitive Food and Drink Supply Chains’. It focuses on opportunities to improve the competitiveness of primary producers by better integrating them into the agri-food supply chain. 

The publication provides an overview of the opportunities for adding value in the supply chains and explores current market opportunities. It stresses the importance of strategies for supporting smarter supply chains using effective links with research and the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs).

EU Rural Review 22 will be translated into French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish. If you wish to subscribe to receive paper copies, please write to
subscribe@enrd.eu specifying the quantity and language required.
RDP support to the Green Economy
A recent ENRD Seminar ‘Changing our Mindsets - Seizing opportunities in the Green Economy’ explored practical ways in which the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) can build and support green economy projects.

In particular, the event aimed at identifying specific RDP actions and tools to support initiatives in the following three areas:
  • Climate change, low-carbon economy and renewable energy;
  • Efficiency of resource use by land managers and other rural businesses;
  • Innovation, cooperation and community-led strategies.
The Seminar was attended by over 75 rural development stakeholders in Brussels on 1 July 2016. It forms part of the wider ENRD thematic work on ‘Promoting the Transition to the Green Economy’, including Thematic Group meetings and forthcoming editions of the EAFRD Projects Brochure and EU Rural Review.
Strengthening LEADER Cooperation

A recent ENRD workshop explored opportunities and practical experiences in harmonising processes and building capacities for undertaking LEADER cooperation projects. As a result, a practitioner-led working group has been established.
Share your ideas and find partners for LEADER cooperation projects on the partner search page of the ENRD website.

For additional information, see the European Commission’s ‘Guidance for implementation of LEADER Cooperation activities in Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020’, now available in all official EU languages. Also, explore some of the Frequently Asked Questions on the topic.

) put forward suggestions and priorities for ENRD thematic work on the topics of ‘Smart and Competitive Rural Areas’ and ‘Promoting the Transition to the Green Economy’ in the coming months. 
Participants also stressed the relevance of social inclusion in rural areas which will be addressed by the ENRD Contact Point through dedicated workshops and outputs. In addition, the meeting provided proposals for strengthening the European Rural Networks’ capacity-building activities and self-assessment framework.
Steering Group guides ENRD thematic work

The 5th meeting of the Rural Networks’ Steering Group (
Ex ante assessment of Financial Instruments in agriculture 
The advisory platform fi-compass has made available a new manual providing methodological advice on and step-by-step examples of how to implement the ex ante assessment of Financial Instruments (FIs) in agriculture.

The handbook overviews potential investments targeted at agricultural holdings, primary agricultural production activities, and sale of agricultural products. It goes on to cover the steps necessary to explore and define the appropriate implementation options and the investment strategy to address the identified financing gap.
Achieving results through CLLD

SAVE THE DATE! An event focusing on how to make the best possible use of the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) method will take place on 6-8 December 2016, in Sweden.

The event is a joint initiative of the four EU Commission Directorates-General supporting CLLD initiatives through the Rural Development (EAFRD), Fisheries (EMFF), Regional Development (ERDF) and Social (ESF) Funds. The event builds on a 2015 seminar on 'Implementing CLLD across the ESI Funds' which introduced and explored the concept of multi-funded CLLD.
Tools for NRNs available online

The ENRD Contact Point has made available a range of tools intended to assist Network Support Units (NSUs) in achieving the key objectives and tasks of National and Regional Rural Networks across Europe.
The tools largely build on existing NRN experience and include methodological good practices, relevant documents and outputs from events, and articles in ENRD publications. The tools are searchable by main NRN objective or task, as well as by aspects such as NRN operation, self-assessment etc.
Ex post evaluation of RDPs 2007-2013

A recent good practice workshop organised by the ENRD Evaluation Helpdesk provided a forum for discussion and exchange on ex post evaluation practices used for the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programmes (RDPs).
Ex post evaluation is meant to provide relevant information and recommendations to improve RDP implementation in the 2014-2020 period. For more information, see the guidelines prepared by the Evaluation Helpdesk.
CAP’s role in creating rural jobs

A new study analyses the role of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in creating rural jobs, concluding that the policy supports the survival of small-scale farms and contributes to sustain and develop rural economies.
The study, conducted by the European Parliament’s Think Tank draws on EU-level statistical analysis, as well as detailed Member State reviews and case studies. It highlights that Rural Development policy (Pillar II of the CAP) has a positive effect on rural employment and that “[w]here resources are highly focused and integrated (e.g. through supply chain focus…), Pillar II can be more effective.”
Networking to support local production
A newly established Austrian network, Netzwerk Kulinarik, will work to support food and culinary initiatives in order to strengthen local production and promote it nationally and internationally.
The network will look to add value to innovative and sustainable initiatives by: emphasising local origin and high quality; increasing consumer awareness and confidence; creating synergies with tourist initiatives; and looking to establish international partnerships.
Feeding knowledge on food security
Explore the new web platform ‘Feeding Knowledge’ containing over 740 best sustainable development practices and a database of sources and international actors working on issues related to food security.
The platform brings to life the legacy of Expo Milano 2015 providing free access to knowledge on policies, technologies, know-how, services and products linked to sustainable food production.

16-23 July 2016
Social Economy and Sustainable Rural Development
Karditsa, Greece
The 15th ‘EurAcademy’ will explore the contribution of social enterprises and cooperatives to rural areas. It will focus on ways to enhance their formation and trading success through best practice examples collected from across Europe.
24-26 August 2016
LEADER Transnational Cooperation Fair
Janeda, Estonia
The event, organised by the Estonian Network Support Unit, aims to promote LEADER Cooperation. It will gather European and national-level LEADER/CLLD stakeholders, including Local Action Groups (LAGs), Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), National Rural Networks and Managing Authorities.
5-6 September 2016
Cork 2.0: European Conference on Rural Development
Cork, Ireland
The conference will bring together rural development stakeholders from across Europe to discuss current and future challenges of farming and rural areas, as well as potential policy responses. The event takes place exactly 20 years after the ground-breaking European Conference where the Cork Declaration on Rural Development was signed.
7-9 September 2016
ESADR 2016
Coimbra, Portugal
Under the slogan ‘Public Policies for Agriculture towards 2020’, this international and multidisciplinary event will focus on issues of agricultural politics not only in the context of the EU’s CAP, but also in the broader space of the Lusophone community.
8-9 September 2016
Seminar on Agri-environment-climate Measures (AECMs)
Paris, France
The purpose of this seminar is to discuss, from a technical perspective, the AECM design process in various Member States. The event will establish a European network of AECM designers to sustain and enrich discussions on the topic.
9-10 September 2016
International conference ‘Growing in Cities’
Basel, Switzerland
This international conference will explore the dynamics of existing and emerging forms of urban gardening which are becoming a permanent and prominent part of the urban and suburban landscape in Europe and beyond.
9-10 September 2016
Festival of Slovenian LAGs
Koper, Slovenia
This festival organised by the Slovenian Rural Network aims at boosting LEADER inter-regional and transnational cooperation. It features a conference and an exhibition of Slovenian Local Action Groups (LAGs).
9-11 September 2016
18th National Congress of Young Farmers
Chios, Greece
Under the theme ‘multi-functionality in the agricultural sector’, the event will identify challenges and opportunities for implementing the ‘multiple employment’ approach directly concerning young farmers.
21-22 September 2016
Cities and Food – Connecting Consumers and Producers
Krakow, Poland
This EIP-AGRI workshop will look into opportunities for building innovative food systems and supply chains to connect producers with consumers while exploring the perspectives of both sides.
27-29 September 2016
LINC Conference 2016
Dabas, Hungary
The 2016 edition of the LEADER-Inspired Network Community (LINC) conference will bring together various rural development stakeholders involved in LEADER design and implementation and provide a platform for exchange of ideas and practical experiences.
29 September 2016
Bright Farm by Precision Livestock Farming
Brussels, Belgium
This conference will present the results and experiences of the four-year EU-PFL project which developed tools to assist livestock producers through automated, continuous monitoring of the animals.
3-5 October 2016
X European Mountain Convention
Bragança, Portugal
This event will present experience and technical knowledge that have been used to provide solutions in mountainous areas to adapt to and mitigate climate change. It will explore solutions both at the policy and practitioners’ levels.
3-8 October 2016
32nd International Film Festival AGROFILM 2016
Nitra, Slovakia
The festival will raise awareness of research & development and practice on topics such as food industry, forestry, natural resource management, cultural landscape and improvement of quality of life in rural areas.
11-14 October 2016
II International Conference on Legume Society
Tróia, Portugal
The conference will bring together researchers and farmers, farmer associations, seed/feed and food industries, and consumers to discuss topics such as ‘Legume Quality and Nutrition’, ‘Farming Systems/Agronomy’ and ‘Legume Genetic Resources’.
12-13 October 2016
Adjustments of Agriculture to Climate Change
Bonn, Germany
The conference will introduce projects and strategies addressing the issue of climate change. It will discuss opportunities arising from climatic conditions and the adaptation of farming practices.
25 October 2016
Rural Networks’ Steering Group meeting
Brussels, Belgium
Save the date. More details to follow.
8-9 November 2016 
National Rural Networks' Meeting
Save the date. More details to follow.
15-16 November 2016 
‘Smart LEADER’ Workshop
Caceres (Extremadura), Spain
This ENRD workshop on ‘Smart LEADER’ strategies will focus on knowledge and asset-based innovation. If you would like to share an example of a Local Action Group (LAG) that has excelled in innovation, we would like to hear from you, contact john.grieve@enrd.eu
1 December 2016
Rural Networks’ Assembly
Brussels, Belgium
Save the date. More details to follow.
7-8 December 2016
Achieving Results the CLLD Way
Save the date. The event will focus on how to make the best possible use of the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) method supported under Rural Development (EAFRD), Fisheries (EMFF), Regional Development (ERDF) and Social (ESF) Funds.
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