Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

This report collects the value of the year 2018 and previous years of the 35 environmental indicators of the RDP Environmental Monitoring Programme, providing a sufficiently representative time series for each indicator. The document contains a summary of the evolution of the indicators and a section with the analysis of the results and the methodological sheet at the indicator level.  The indicators cover a wide range of topics in the agri-food and forestry sector: consumption (energy, fertilizers, pesticides, water), pollution of agricultural origin in water and soils, erosion, GHG and ammonia emissions, surfaces, ecological production systems and biodiversity.

SEO / BirdLife has updated until 2019 the CCI 35, Farmland Bird Index for the Castilla-La Mancha territory, giving continuity to the studies of previous years.  

The report presents the results of field monitoring in 2019 for Eastern Eggar (Eriogaster catax), the apollo (Parnassius apollo), the False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus), the Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia), the Scarce Fritillary (Euphydryas maturna), the Large Blue (Phengaris arion), the Scarce Large Bluel (P. teleius) and the Dusky Large Blue (P. nausithous).

This study creates a methodological framework and system of quantitative evaluation of medium-term and long-term impact within the RDP 2014-2020 for the following forestry measures: M08 - Investments in the development of forest areas and improvement of forest viability (sub-measures 8.3 and 8.4); M12 - Natura 2000 payments and under the Water Framework Directive (sub-measure 12.2); M15 - Forest-environmental and climate services and forest protection (sub-measure 15.1).

Studies assess the state and development of trends in soil erosion and organic matter content by monitoring selected qualitative indicators in the soil and their evaluation at the level of measures and individual operations of the RDP 2014-2020. Implementation period: April 2018- April 2019

The study evaluates selected qualitative indicators of areas with High Natural Value (HNV) at the level of individual measures and operations of the RDP SR 2014-2020. The following types of HNV were monitored and evaluated: HNV Type 1 - P4A - agricultural land with a high proportion of semi-natural grasslands) and HNV Type 2 - P4A -Agricultural mosaic landscape with low agricultural intensity and with natural and structural elements (Historical structures of the agricultural landscape). Implementation period: April - December 2019
