Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

This Working Document has been initiated on the basis of the existing glossary annexed to the European Commission – Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (2017) Technical Handbook on the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of the Common Agricultural Policy 2014 – 2020, hereafter referred as ‘DG AGRI (2017) Technical Handbook for the CMEF 2014-2020’. Moreover, it contains key terms related to evaluation developed by, or used during the European Evaluation Helpdesk’s Thematic Working Groups (TWGs).  

This research aimed to gain insights into the effectiveness of the scheme by analysing participants’ perception on it. It focused on the strengths and areas for improvement of the scheme.

This report was commissioned by the Scottish Government for Winning Moves to conduct a piece of research to explore the quality, focus and effectiveness of the Farm Advisory Service (FAS).

The study focuses on how habitats have changed under Higher Level Stewardship Scheme (HLS) and whether changes are influenced by agreement or agreement holder characteristics. A total of 173 HLS agreements were resurveyed in 2015 and 2016 which were widely distributed across England and followed a baseline survey in 2009-2011. Additionally, 137 agreement holders were interviewed face-to-face using a semi-structured questionnaire.

This evaluation determines how effective the options are for increasing the plant diversity in grasslands with legumes and herbs. Plant and soil data was collected from 76 parcels on 54 holdings, coupled with face-to-face interviews.

This evaluation seeks to determine the impact of Agri-environment schemes on conserving the botanical interest of lowland wet grasslands. A total of 99 grassland sites under Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) were surveyed in 2012, including sites previously under Environmental Sensitive Areas (ESAs) and those newly under an agreement.
