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Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006

Most Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the role of the European Union in the fight against social exclusion and poverty?
At the Lisbon European Council in March 2000, Member States took a major step forward by considering the fight against social exclusion and poverty as one of the central elements of the modernisation of the European social model. It was also agreed that Member States’ policies for combating social exclusion should be based on an open method of co-ordination combining common objectives, national action plans and an action programme presented by the Commission to encourage co-operation in this field. This initiative follows the introduction under Article 136 and 137 EC by the Amsterdam Treaty of the fight against social exclusion among the social policy provisions.

2. What is the action programme against social exclusion ?
The programme is part of the open method of co-ordination and aims at supporting cooperation between Member States by: 1) improving the understanding of social exclusion and poverty with the help in particular of comparable indicators; 2) organising exchanges on policies which are implemented and promoting mutual learning in the context of national action plans; 3) developing the capacity of actors to address social exclusion and poverty effectively and to promote innovative approaches, in particular through promoting networking and dialogue with all the stakeholders.

3. Who is in charge of the action programme?
The Commission is responsible for the direct implementation of the Community actions covered by the programme. To this end, it is assisted by a Programme Committee made up of government representatives from the EU Member States. Its role is to provide political guidance to the Commission on the implementation of the Programme, and to act as a partner to the Commission in matters of policy against social exclusion.

4. What are the activities envisaged under the programme?
Article 4 and the annex of the Programme Decision provide useful indications on the activities envisaged under this programme. The overall aim is to reinforce and add value to the EU's Open Method of Co-ordination on poverty and social exclusion. It thus aims to reinforce the common objectives on poverty and social exclusion agreed at the Nice European Council, to support the implementation of the National Action Plans (NAPs/incl) developed by Member States and to take forward issues identified in the context of the Joint Report on Social Inclusion and the report on common indicators on poverty and social exclusion. All these activities will be strictly transnational.

5. Who are the actors eligible to take part in the programme?
These actions should involve, on a European scale, the widest possible range of players, in particular Member States' administrations, local and regional authorities, the agencies in charge of combating social exclusion, the social partners, organisations providing social services, non-governmental organisations, universities and research institutes, national statistical offices, the media and actual or potential victims of exclusion.

6. What is the consistency and complementarity between this programme and other interventions from the Commission in the social field?
The action programme complements EU social policy, and in particular the activities of the European Social Fund, the Community initiative EQUAL and other action programmes such as the programme to combat discrimination, the programme for gender equality and the actions and the EU disability strategy. Contrary to the European Social Fund, the programme is not meant to financially support activities carried out on the ground but rather is meant to support exchange activities. Hence its overall funds are limited in comparison to the structural funds.

7. What is the difference between this programme and the programme to combat discrimination?
The anti-discrimination programme was launched on 1 January 2001 and will run until end of 2006. The activities are quite similar to the social exclusion programme but the emphasis is on discrimination that certain target groups referred to in Article 13 of the Treaty may experience. The programme is designed to promote measures to prevent and combat discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.

8. What is the difference between this programme and the Community initiative EQUAL ?
The EQUAL initiative builds on the work of the Community Initiative ADAPT and EMPLOYMENT - Now, Horizon, Integra, Youthstart (1994-1999) to become the major Community initiative to be run by DG Employment and Social Affairs as a complement to the European Social Fund. The European Union's contribution to the Initiative amounts to 3,000 million Euro for the period 2000-2006 and this will be matched by national funding. The two criteria which make it different from ESF actions are : 1) an emphasis on innovation ; 2) a requirement of transnationality. EQUAL funds a large number of projects on the ground which are selected by regional/national authorities.

9. Are candidate countries and countries from the European economic area (EEA) eligible to take part in the programme ?
The programme decision opens the possibility for candidate countries and for countries belonging to the European economic area to take part in the programme. The arrangements for their participation are defined in accordance with the European agreements established between the EU and these countries and are subject to bilateral discussions between the Commission and countries that have expressed their interest. These discussions should be carried out in the first semester of 2002. In the meantime, the costs incurred by any form of cooperation with these countries are not eligible in the framework of this programme.

10. How to find partners with a view to transnational exchanges?
A large number of actors are involved in the fight against social exclusion and poverty. A certain number have already had the opportunity to carry out cooperation projects through the preparatory measures to the programme. Networks of NGOs established at EU level are also active in the field.

11. Where to find examples of good practice?
The national action plans and the joint report describe and analyse a wide range of measures in place or planned in the Member States. The preparatory measures to the programme also provide a useful source of information on more precise topics. Furthermore, various databases on local initiatives are available on various sites, in particular the site of the Community initiative EQUAL and the site of the Directorate-General for Research.

12. How to get further information?
The internet pages devoted to the programme should answer most of your questions. All the activities envisaged in this context will be published there in good time. To contact us directly, you may also write to us at the following address:
