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Open Call for proposals VP-2004-05 "National Awareness raising actions on social inclusion. (under budget line 04040202)"

Call for proposals (VP/2004/05)


Published in OJ n° C C 88, 08.04.2004

This call for proposals is funded under the Community Action Programme to encourage co-operation between Member States to combat social exclusion. The aim of this call is to increase information and awareness within Member States, candidate countries and EFTA/EEA countries of the Union's social inclusion process, so as to mobilise support for and participation of all relevant actors in the preparation, implementation of National Action Plans against poverty and social exclusion (NAPs/inclusion) and Joint Inclusion Memoranda on Social Inclusion (JIMs).

Proposals may come from all public and/or private bodies and institutions involved in the fight against social exclusion. The Commission will be particularly interested in proposals from those organisations with an active interest in promoting the development of National Action Plans, such as national, regional or local authorities, social partners or non-governmental organisations. Applications may come from either single organisations or from a number of organisations involving several different sectors working together in partnership. A specific co-operation with the media will also be of great interest.

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday 4th June 2004

  • Information notice
    Available in PDF format in
    da de el en es fi fr it nl pt sv
  • Guidelines
    Available in PDF format
    de en fr
  • Applicant's guide
    available in PDF format
    de en fr
  • Application form
    The application form (available in English, French and German) is made up of three separate parts:
    • Part I
      available in Excel format: Part I is specific to the country in which the main promoter is registered. Please select only the Part I below relating to your country. Once in the document, you may select the language between English, French and German.
      DK  FI  HU  IT  ES  AT  BE  CY  CZ  DE  EE  FR  GR  IRL  LT  LU  LV  MT  NL  PL  PT  SE  SI  SK  UK  OTHERS 
    • Part II
      available in Word format
      de en fr
    • Part III
      available in Excel format
      de en fr