
Cities can play an important role in alleviating, preventing and tackling social exclusion and poverty

The EUROCITIES Inclusive Cities campaign was launched last November in the context of the 2010 European Year, to increase the knowledge cities have of the European Social Agenda, and to raise awareness in Member States on the role cities can play in reducing social exclusion.

In this framework a paper “Social Exclusion and Inequalities in European Cities: Challenges and Responses” has just been published. 20 cities supplied information for this report, which examines unemployment, child poverty and digital exclusion. It also outlines concrete steps that cities are taking to respond to these challenges. It will guide EUROCITIES’ awareness-raising debates, activities and events in 2010.

The events taking place will include:

  • Social Affairs Forum meeting Muricia 10-11 March  
  • Health inequalities - Ghent  21-22 April
  • Area-based approaches to social exclusion Budapest 14-15 June
  • Child poverty - Newcastle 1 October