
Riga Solidarity Days

Riga Solidarity Days Poster

A series of events will take place in Riga on 28-29 October 2010 in the context of the European Year 2010, at the initiative of the European Commission and several other key partners.

On Thursday 28 October, from 12.00 pm to 19.00 pm, a presentation of social actors and actions will take place in the hall of the Riga Central Station. Stands under the colours of the European Year 2010 will present Latvian and European NGOs and several public organisations. Music and dance performances will contribute to the animation on a small stage installed in the main hall of the station.

A soup will be served to the public by an NGO in the square in front of the main entrance.

On Friday 29 October morning, social realities and policies concerning poverty and exclusion in Latvia will be discussed during a conference at the University of Latvia: "Building together a better society for all – the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Latvia"

The event will gather the main stakeholders: national and local policy-makers and service providers, NGOs, academics and students. In addition to the Latvian participants, actors from Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden and Poland or working at European level will give a transnational dimension to the event and will contribute to mutual learning. Ms Vike-Freiberga, former President of the Republic of Latvia and Ambassador of the European Year 2010 will speak at the conference.

In the afternoon, 4 workshops will take place in the EU House (premises of the EC Representation in Latvia, among others). They will focus on practical issues so that they give concrete support to Latvian actors.