
OPEN DAYS 2010 – European regions and cities are preparing Europe 2020

The Open Days 2010 – European Week of Regions and Cities, took place from 4 to 7 October in Brussels. The event organised by the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions was an opportunity for regions and cities to exchange ideas on the Europe 2020 strategy.

Over 6 000 regional and local representatives were at the event: “Europe 2020: competitiveness, co-operation and cohesion for all regions”. 

Regions are at the front-line when it comes to implementing reforms and making investments in the core areas of the Europe 2020 strategy: research and innovation; training and job creation; education and skills; energy and sustainability. With over 240 partner regions and cities on board, the Open Days provide a focal point sharing experience and best practice.

Regional Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn said: "OPEN DAYS is taking place at an important juncture. Discussions on the future EU budget, the future of cohesion policy, and the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy are all in full swing. The exchange of views between public bodies, academia and the business community during the OPEN DAYS will provide us with the right input to see which role Europe's regions and cities can play in delivering this strategy. It will be important as well to see how the EU's cohesion policy can translate the Europe 2020 ambitions into practical measures.''

There were three prevailing themes throughout the event:

  • Competitiveness (5 October): innovation, regional development and green economic growth
  • Cooperation (6 October): interregional, cross-border and macro-regional cooperation
  • Cohesion (7 October): territorial and social cohesion and how to better integrate different policies at local and regional level