
Getting out of Poverty - Filipe – Luxembourg

Born in Portugal, Felipe is a young man living in Luxembourg where 13 % of the population is at risk of poverty. In that country, a person is considered as being at risk of poverty and social exclusion when their income is less than EUR 1,546 per month. Having had difficulties at school, Felipe found himself unemployed. With the help of the National Youth Service of Luxembourg, which is also funded by the European Union, he found a job and now works in a nursing home.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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The voice of People experiencing poverty

People facing poverty and social exclusion in their daily life cam from all over Europe to Brussels on 15 and 16 May to discuss their living situation with representatives of National and European Authorities. They also expressed their wishes for the future in the wake of the European Year 2010 for combating poverty and social exclusion.

Duration : 8'07''
Date: Aug 2009

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Getting out of Poverty - The Kasingėliai family - Lithuania

Vitalija and her family live in a remote village in the Lithuanian countryside. With both her long-term unemployed, the family found itself completely isolated and excluded from society. In Lithuania, the ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold is EUR 209 per month, with 20 % of the population currently at risk of poverty and social exclusion. To help them get out of their difficult situation, the international Heifer Baltic Foundation provided them with sheep, a cow and training on how to breed their livestock. They now can exchange animals or sell animal products, such as Vitalija’s woollen souvenirs. In this way, the project helps create a community which the family is now part of.

*Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Naima - Norway

Naima, a 33 year old single mother of five children, is originally from Somalia. She moved from country to country before settling in Oslo. In the beginning it was very difficult for her to get used to living in a differently structured society such as Norway. In that country, 11 % of the population is at risk of poverty and social exclusion, with the ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold some EUR 1,591 per month. Bibi Amka, a non-profit organisation, helps African women like Naima to better understand Norwegian society, as well as women’s rights and how to deal with legal issues.

*Data from 2008, latest data available

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Getting out of Poverty - Tomi - Slovenia

In Slovenia, 12 % of the population is at risk of poverty. The country’s ‘at risk-of-poverty’ income threshold is EUR 545. Tomi, a former drug addict, works for Kralji Ulice (Kings of the Street), a monthly newspaper written and produced by homeless people. Working for the newspaper, which enjoys EU funding support, gave Tomi the chance to share his views with others and to find his own way in the public sphere. He continues to spend a lot of his time in the streets, but no longer as a drug addict. He is now a photographer and also has a part time job in a second hand shop.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Naomi - United Kingdom

In the UK, 19% of the population is at risk of poverty with an ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold of EUR 1,001 per month. Naomi, a 29 year old single-mother with two children, lives in Bristol and spent two years at home without a job. With the help of SPAN, the Bristol-based Single Parent Action Network, which is subsidised by the European Union, Naomi found a new group of friends to share her experiences with, as well as a range of facilities to support her and help her to take control of her life again.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Athina - Greece

In Greece, 20% of the population is at risk of poverty with an ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold of 540 Euros per month. Athina, 46 years old, lost her job 6 months ago. Unemployed and living separated from her husband, she has to raise her 5 children. The social grocery store in Piraeus offers a temporary solution to her difficult financial situation. There, she can purchase basic products free of charge for a period of six months.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Adrian - Romania

In Romania, 23% of the population is at risk of poverty with an ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold of 98 Euros per month. Adrian, 42 years old, lives in Constanta on the shores of the Black Sea. At 19, he was diagnosed with a mental illness. He became socially excluded and spent years, cut off from the outside world, in his bedroom. Thanks to the “Therapeutic Garden” project, set up by the Estuar NGO with the support of the EU, Adrian has found the strength to come out of his isolation.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Mikko - Finland

Mikko is a 23 year old film maker. Due to difficult relations with his family he spent three years in a youth centre. At the age of 18 he went to live on his own. Finland’s ‘at risk-of-poverty’ threshold is 991 Euros, and 14% of the population is at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Without financial and moral support, Mikko became socially excluded and could not make ends meet. This changed when he started working at the Satakunta film centre; the project young people the opportunity to make movies and gives them a new sense of self-esteem.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

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Getting out of Poverty - Kay - Germany

Kay, 38 years old, was born and raised in Halle in former East-Germany. He found reading and writing difficult, but was only recently diagnosed with dyslexia. Because of he never learnt to read or write, Kay didn’t finish his studies nor manage to keep a job. In Germany, 15% of the population is at risk of poverty with an ‘at risk of poverty’ income threshold of 916 Euros per month. Now Kay is part of the Alpha + project in Halle which receives financial support from the EU. There, he is learning to read and write again.

* Data from 2008, latest data available.

Available for download here

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