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Olga Croitorov

Olga Croitorov

Olga Croitorov is a researcher at the European Commission’s Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy, working on the development of the Global Multi-country model (GM), an estimated DSGE model used for policy analysis, macroeconomic surveillance and forecasting tasks.

She obtained her PhD in economics at University Carlos III of Madrid in 2014. Prior to joining JRC Ispra, she was a visiting researcher at University of Minnesota and a post-doctoral researcher at KU Leuven.

She carries out research and policy analysis in the area of macroeconomic modelling. Recent projects include global financial spillovers, business cycle heterogeneity and cross-country spillovers, output growth and inflation disconnect, factors determining the sovereign defaults and associated debt levels and the use of DSGE models for forecasting.

Given the unprecedented challenges that have been caused by COVID-19 pandemic both for people and society, it is important to share knowledge on the most recent academic findings, allowing policymakers to make better informed decisions.