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Paper-to-policy posters

The paper-to-policy stories illustrate how research drives policy at the European Commission. Compiled from colleagues working at DG ECFIN and the JRC, the stories tell how colleagues identified a gap in the knowledge base or a new development in research and used it to improve policy.
  • Better EU finance means better jobs

    Pierfederico Asdrubali and his team's research showed how EU loan guarantees help create jobs, increase turnover and productivity. This groundbreaking paper led the Commission to strengthen the use of loan guarantees and has been used by institutions worldwide to justify increasing the use of SME loan guarantees.
    A3 Poster
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  • Real driving Emissions

    This is the story of how a team of EU scientists from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and lawyers and engineers from the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs (DG-GROW) jointly developed the RDE (Real Driving Emissions) regulation that have brought truly clean cars on the roads.
    A3 Poster
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  • Live longer and healthier

    The consumption of industrial trans fatty acids (TFA) is associated with higher risk of heart disease. EU legal limit for the use of TFA in our food protects the consumer and benefits public health throughout the EU (this limit may avoid the loss of 3.7 million disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs)). This is the story of the EU scientists who assessed the need to reduce the use of these fats in foods and the added value of doing it at EU-level.
    A3 Poster
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  • EU Roaming

    Since 2017, EU roaming costs no more than the domestic rate to citizens! and citizens have already saved 2 billion euro on roaming. Was this a present by the mobile operators? Well, no. In this story we'll tell you how two teams of EU scientists from the Joint Research Centre helped the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT) in the revision of Roaming Regulation: a combination of scientific studies based on market data analysis and technical assessment of EU Roaming performance over two years provided invaluable insight in the performance of Roam Like at Home policy.
    A3 Poster
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