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The following algorithm has been implemented in the DSS open-source library in version 5.5, and represents the Connecting Europe Facility's (CEF) eSignature Building Block’s interpretation of the eIDAS Regulation's and related standards’ requirements for the validation of qualified and advanced electronic signatures (e-signatures) and electronic seals (e-seals).

This algorithm has been designed following discussions and meetings with experts involved in the field, in the context of the CEF eSignature Building Block. This algorithm, however, should not be considered neither as a standard nor as a formal position of the European Commission, but rather as guidelines for implementers, or parties interested in understanding how the validation of qualified electronic signatures is implemented in DSS.

Note that two European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) standards, TS 119 615 and TS 119 172-4, are currently being drafted with the aim of standardising “procedures for using and interpreting European Union Member States national trusted lists” and “signature applicability rules (validation policy) for European qualified electronic signatures/seals using trusted lists”. The public ETSI drafts are available here.

The algorithm below focuses on determining the following:

  • whether the certificate is qualified;
  • what is the type of this certificate;
  • whether the corresponding private key is protected by a qualified signature/seal creation device (QSCD).

These are important for handling the eIDAS Regulation's Articles 32.1(a), (b) and (f) (and corresponding Article 40 for e-seals) with the aim of determining whether an e-signature or e-seal can be considered as QESig / QESeal / AdESig-QC / AdESeal-QC / AdESig / AdESeal / AdES(?). Note, however, that verifying compliance against Articles 26 and 36 (requirements for advanced electronic signatures and advanced electronic seals) are outside of the scope of the present document.

To access the full document, please download the pdf. file located below.
