
European Commission Digital

CEF eArchiving also for Germany?

Federarchives Koblenz.-IT-server control. 
Source: BAarch, B 198 Picture- 2017- 0220- 010/Nobel, Jürgen

On the 25th of April, 2019, the CEF eArchiving Building Block workshop will be held with various German archiving institutions in Berlin. 

Data is continuously being produced and digital archiving is a necessity for any European Member State. This workshop will present the CEF eArchiving Building Block and EARK4ALL specifications for digital archiving to German archiving institutions. 


Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship

Kronenstreet 5

10117 Berlin 


1:00 to 5:00 pm



Dr. Sebastian Gleixner (Bundesarchive): 

Volume as challenge. An overview of the Federarchives digital archiving efforts. 

Masse als Herausforderung. Ein Überblick zur digitalen Archivierung im Bundesarchiv

Dr. Ulrike Korte (Federarchive for Security in Informationstechnique):

Introduction to eIDAS, ETSI LONG-TERM PReservation (LTP) and BSI TR.03125 (TR-ESOR)

Sandro Hardy (Federarchive):

The Federal digital in-between archive and the user opportunity of the E-ARK SIPs 

Sophia Bünemann (European Commission):

Introduction to the Building Blocks of the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Commission

Janet Anderson (Danish National Archives):

E-ARK4ALL - the project that created the eArchiving building block

Karin Bredenberg (Swedish National Archives):

The eArchiving Building Block core specifications for filling up the European fridges

3:00 to 3:30 pm

Coffee Break

3:30 to 5:00 pm

Panel discussion:

Possible usage of E-ARK information packages in German archiving institutions

Karin Bredenberg (Swedish National Archives)

Prof. Dr. Christian Keitel (Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg)

Dr. Ulrike Korte (Bundesamt für die Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik)

Steffen Schwalm (msg systems ag)

Sandro Hardy (Bundesarchiv)

Rainer Jacobs (Bundesarchiv)

Moderation: Dr. Sina Westphal / Dr. Sebastian Gleixner (Bundesarchiv)

Please, register until the 19th of April using