
European Commission Digital

eInvoicing receives highest level of grant funding among CEF Building Blocks

In June 2019, the Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) published the brochure ‘’The Connecting Europe Facility: Five years supporting European infrastructure”.

The brochure takes an extensive look at the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme 2014-2019 in the areas of Transport, Energy and Telecom.

Funded through CEF Telecom, the CEF Building Blocks are Digital Service Infrastructures that provide basic functionality (for example authentication or data exchange),  facilitate  cross-border  interaction  between EU  public  administrations, businesses and citizens and are reusable by more complex services (eJustice or Online Dispute Resolution).

In  2014-2018, 16  dedicated  calls  were  launched  for  these Building  Blocks,  allocating  €75.3 million in CEF Telecom funding to 128 actions. The largest level of CEF grant funding was awarded to actions helping public entities adopt the European standard on electronic invoicing, which received €27.6 million financing 42 actions.

CEF eInvoicing received €27.6 million financing 42 actions

The European Commission currently supports the uptake of eInvoicing respecting the European standard and Directive 2014/55/EU (on eInvoicing in public procurement) with the CEF eInvoicing Building Block .

The 18 April 2019 was the legal deadline for Member States to transpose into national law and implement the Directive (for contracting authorities and entities). The 18 April 2020 is the extended deadline (upon request) for contracting authorities and entities that are not central government authorities.

CEF eInvoicing currently offers public and private sector on-site eInvoicing Trainings and Workshops; supporting webinars; a User Community hosting online discussions and a dedicated Conformance Testing Service. These CEF services are available until this deadline.

Read the INEA brochure to learn more about the CEF Building Block Digital Service Infrastructures and the wider CEF programme.