
European Commission Digital

CEF eArchiving at the EAG meeting in Helsinki, Finland

On 19-20 September 2019, Finland, as the current president of the Council of the European Union, hosted the 27th Meeting of the European Archives Group (EAG) and the 40th Conference of European Board of National Archivists. The National Archives of Finland kindly hosted the meeting's in the old reading room of the national Archives of Finland.

Adelina Dinu, programme assistant EU Policies in the Commission's DG CNECT Interactive Technologies, Digital for Culture and Education Unit, provided an operational update of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eArchiving Building Block. Sophia Bunemann, from the Commisison's CEF Stakeholder Management Office, presented an update on the CEF Building Blocks portfolio.

Adelina Dinu also announced the upcoming eArchiving event 3-4 December in Brussels, Belgium. Find out more on the event page. 

The EAG is an official European Commission expert group, as well as the CEF eArchiving expert group. While the primary mission of the EAG is to facilitate cooperation and coordination on matters relating to archives, the expert group also advises the building block on any relevant issues. For example, the EAG has supported the building block on methods for digital perservation through the eARK project, which is the foundation of the CEF eArchiving Building Block.

EAG-EBNA Helsinki 2019 

The CEF eArchiving Building Block provides long-term information assurance by providing specifications, reference software, training and service desk support for digital archiving, including digital preservation. This benefits both the design and implementation of repositories and enables business systems to send data to those repositories. Information Package specifications are the foundation of eArchiving and describe platform-independent formats to structure information assets as bulk data and metadata that remains authentic and understandable over time.