
European Commission Digital

CEF eSignature TLManager “Non-EU”: Spreading the benefits of secure electronic signatures


The European Commission launched the TLManager "non-EU" to help countries outside the European Union and EEA countries, or international organisations, willing to issue trusted lists in accordance with European standards. Specifically, the compliance with these standards fosters the mutual recognition of trust service providers (e.g. providers of certificates for electronic signatures) listed in these trusted lists with European trust service providers.

According to the eIDAS Regulation (910/2014) each Member State shall establish,  maintain  and  publish  trusted  lists,  including  information  related  to  the  qualified  trust  service  providers. The European Commission helps with this process by offering the EU Trust Backbone. This is composed of the List of the Trusted Lists (LOTL) and the different Member States' Trusted Lists, a critical common asset upon which rely electronic signatures in Europe. The TL manager helps European Trusted List Scheme Operators (TLSOs). 

TLManager "non-EU" designates the version of the application designed for Trusted Lists that are not pointed by the list of the lists published by the European Commission. This application provides more appropriate tools for Trusted Lists that do not figure in the List of the Lists published by the European Commission. Therefore, constraints on the conformance and the signature of Trusted Lists are alleviated and some services as notifications, statistics and EU Trust Backbone have been removed.

TLManager "non-EU" allows the creation, the edit, the signature, the validation and the monitoring of Trusted Lists. Access below if you would like more information on the installation, configuration and user manuals of the TLManager “non-EU” version.

In complete alignment with eIDAS, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eSignature Building Block helps public administrations, businesses and citizens sign electronically through a number of practical supporting services (including TLManager and TLManger "non-EU").