
European Commission Digital

CEF eTranslation Upgrade: eTranslation 2.7


On 19 June 2019, the European Commission released version 2.7 of CEF eTranslation. This release is a major upgrade with significant benefits for users.

The CEF eTranslation service provides the ability to translate formatted documents and plain text between any pair of EU official languages, as well as Icelandic and Norwegian (Bokmål), while preserving to the greatest extent possible the structure and format of those documents.

eTranslation can be used in two distinct ways.

  • One-off translations, where eTranslation provides a web user interface for direct use by individuals (human-to-machine use);
  • As an integrated translation solution. In this case, eTranslation provides machine translation capabilities for web content and digital services through an Application Programming Interface (API) for machine-to-machine use.

 eTranslation 2.7 improvements include:


  • Upgrades for pre/post-processing for all engines, including:
    • Capitalisation of month name placeholders (CZ, EN);
    • Normalisation of backtick to apostrophe (all languages);
    • Cleaning of spaces, normalisation of quotes and apostrophes (all languages);
    • Regular expression correction (PT);
    • Closing doublequote (ET);
    • Adjustments to placeholder capitalisation (LT);
    • Hyphens (n-dash, m-dash, etc.) according to style guide (ET, HU, LT); and
    • Avoid capitalisation within a compound (DE).
  • New release: Court of Justice Case Law domain-specific engines (BG, CZ, DA, EL, ET, FI, HR, HU, LT, LV, MT, RO, SK, SL, SV → FR, FR → BG, CS, DA, EL, ET, FI, HR, HU, LT, LV, MT, RO, SK, SL, SV);
  • Upgrade: Cutting-edge domain engines (EN → ES, IT, PT);
  • Upgrade: Bundesbank domain engine (EN↔DE);


  • Web page responsiveness


  • CAT tool statistics: new breakdown, counted by page

 Back-end (cloud)

  • GPU core assignment services
  • Memory allocation improvements (GPU0 lock removed)
  • Redis clustering

My Europe my language

Ensuring that cross-border, digital public services are multilingual is a central component of the Digital Single Market.

The EU now has more than 500 million citizens, 28 Member States, 24 official languages and 3 alphabets. The harmonious co-existence of many languages in Europe is a powerful symbol of the EU's aspiration to be united in diversity - a cornerstone of the European project.

The CEF eTranslation Building Block draws on decades worth of work by EU translators. It offers excellent results for EU policy related and legal. It passes the Intellectual Property Rights of the translation back to the owner of the original text submitted for translation. CEF eTranslation further allows for the fast translation into multiple languages at once and is compatible with a large variety of formats(doc, pdf,...).