
European Commission Digital

Second Call: European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing's new mandate – Apply now!

European Commission 2018

The European Commission is happy to announce a second round of applications to join the latest mandate of the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing (EMSFEI). The latest mandate was established by a Decision of European Commission of 14 August 2017.

The participation and contribution of stakeholders and experts in advising policy decisions at European level is vital to achieving the best possible results for European citizens, businesses and Member State administrations. Ensuring the broadest possible constitution of the EMSFEI is a priority for the Commission.

This call therefore aims to select one organisation representing a common interest related to eInvoicing at national level from each of the respective countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain, as well as organisations at EU level representing different categories of stakeholders.

The main objective of the EMSFEI is to pave the way for a broad-scale adoption of eInvoicing at national and EU-level according to the Directive 2014/55/EU and the European standard on eInvoicing developed by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN). The EMSFEI creates an unique opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices across borders. It also discusses issues of common interest and may issue recommendations to the European Commission. The EMSFEI operates under the auspices of the Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW).

To help solution & service providers, public entities, policy makers and suppliers understand key aspects of the European standard, and support available to support eInvoicing respecting this standard, the European Commission has also published an infographic and video. Download them here.

Call opening


Deadline for application