
European Commission Digital

CEF Big Data Building Block presented at European Court of Auditors event

On 27-28 November 2019, the European Court of Auditors organised the conference on “Big and open data for EU supreme audit institutions”.

The conference looked at the current status of big and open data in audit institutions in the EU Member States.

Big data is high-volume, high-velocity and high-variety information that requires new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision-making, insight discovery and process optimisation.

Around 10 national representatives presented including topics ranging from the usage of text mining in the auditing process by Estonia to interactive visualisation of government open data by Denmark. Please find attached the Draft Agenda for more info.

This event launched TINA, the network of EU surimi audit initiations (SAIs) to work on Technology and Innovation for Audit, enabling all Supreme Audit Institutions to progress together towards auditing more efficiently and effectively in the context of increasingly digital business processes.

All presentations from the event are available on the European Court of Auditors website.

Big data is a valuable resource 

Two presentations looked at the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Big Data Test Infrastructure Building Block.

  • Daniele Rizzi, European Commission Policy Officer - Data Policy and Innovation on “EU Open Data Policy”
  • Marc Vanderperren, European Commission Head of Sector - Data, Information and Knowledge Management, on “Paving the way for EU data-driven administration”

Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) helps public administrations improve the experience of the citizen, make government more efficient and boost business and the wider economy through big data.

BDTI is a big data platform that offers virtual environments, allowing public organisations to experiment with big data sources, methods and tools. Users can launch pilot projects on big data and data analytics, through a selection of software tools. BDTI allows sharing data sources across policy domains and organisations and having access to best practices and methodologies on big data.

BDTI provides:

  • Soſtware: Big data and analytics soſtware catalogue
  • Stakeholder Management Services: A knowledge base, onboarding & stakeholder follow-up with the big data community
  • A dedicated service desk
  • Testing Services: big data platform and data catalogue and data exchange APIs