
European Commission Digital

Call for contributions: feedback on ML proposals for Europeana Collections and data contributions for CEF eTranslation

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Access to digital cultural heritage across languages is a big priority for the Europeana community. A recent EU Presidency meeting in Helsinki highlighted again why this is crucial. Participants at this meeting also discussed the opportunities brought by new technology such as Europeana's machine translation service - reusing the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eTranslation Building Block - as well as the challenges that Europeana and the wider cultural heritage sector have to tackle on the way to build multilingual systems that can benefit our users and stakeholders.

Following this meeting, the Europeana team invite everyone in the Europeana community (and beyond) to contribute in two ways:

  • First, in order to prepare for the meeting we have put together a technical discussion paper that lays down several proposals for improving the multilingual aspects of the Europeana Collections portal. The team is happy to invite interested stakeholders to send their feedback on these proposals, either by sending a message or commenting on the document directly.
  • Second, the European Commission welcomes data contributions for the CEF eTranslation service. The quality of this service based on Artificial Intelligence technology is improved when trained with suitable data. Currently, cultural heritage is under-represented in the training resources that the eTranslation-related initiatives have mustered. The EC would like to change that, and you can help by contributing your own data into their training pool!

Any dataset is welcome, though multilingual data are of course highly prized. This can be done directly via the ELRC-SHARE platform, but if you have questions you can also contact Europeana  directly.