
European Commission Digital

Innovations in digital public services showcased at Europe’s largest IT fair – CeBIT

Removing online barriers facing citizens, businesses and public administrations is one of the 10 political priorities of the European Commission, creating a Digital Single Market.

In the context of the Digital Single Market, EU Member States and the European Commission have piloted cross-border, cross-sector digital services, known as building blocks, and are moving now into production across Europe. The "Digital Public Services Across Borders" booth, located in the EU Village, Hall 8, will showcase these services.

Building Blocks are basic capabilities, such as message delivery, or authentication, that can be used to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders. Large Scale Pilots, comprising of public and private sector actors such as the e-SENS (Electronic Simple European Networked Services), or e-CODEX (e-Justice Communication via Online Data EXchange) have tested the building blocks in real IT systems across various policy domains. Member States, the private sector and the European Commission are now rolling-out the building blocks under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU's main financing instrument for cross-border infrastructure.

Visitors to the booth will discover a number of interesting gimmicks like a multi-touch screen, RFID-based information spots, games and quizzes, presentations, videos, click-through live demonstrations, experts’ statements and other gadgets. Interactive elements will provide guests with hands-on access to information and data relating to the booth's slogan “Digital Public Services Across Borders”. The stand will also highlight the EU legislation which addresses the challenges of connecting Europe with a particular attention given to the Regulation EU 910/2014 (the eIDAS Regulation) which provides the legal framework for the cross-border recognition of eID means and trust services. Visitors will be able to play and learn with innovative gimmicks, recognizing success stories, deployment opportunities and funding prospects.

Experience “digital public services across borders” in Hall 8, EU Village.