
European Commission Digital

e-SENS Closing Event 2017: Connecting Europe: Get on-board! From e-SENS pilots to reality

European Commisison, 2017

On 2-3 March 2017, the e-SENS Closing Event "Connecting Europe: Get on-board! From e-SENS pilots to reality" took stock of the remarkable progress of European collaboration on cross-border digital public services.

Since April 2013, the e-SENS Large Scale Pilot project has been consolidating results of previous European Large Scale Pilots, in areas such as online authentication or message-exchange.  

The European Commission and e-SENS organised the event to mark e-SENS' successful completion and the move from piloting to the 'live phase' of European cross-border digital public services, supported by the digital services programme of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), CEF Digital 2018. This transition from pilots to reality included several of the CEF building blocks, piloted by e-SENS.

The successful handover from e-SENS to CEF Digital 2018, as well as other initiatives such as The Once-Only Principle (TOOP), ensures that no knowledge or experience from the e-SENS project is lost, and that the building blocks remain a sustained as a stable part of Europe's digital ecosystem.

The second day of the event focussed on the handover of ownership of a number of building blocks from e-SENS to CEF Digital 2018.


The CEF building blocks enable secure cross-border digital interactions between citizens, businesses and public administrations. In practical terms they are common solutions to common problems built on common standards and specifications. The European Commission supports adoption of the building blocks with CEF grant funding.

A panel discussion including: Andrea Servida, Head of Unit, eGovernment & Trust in DG CNECT, European Commission; Nathalie Nickel, EU Projects Coordinator and Administrator, Government of North-Rheine Westphalia; Gérard Soisson, Head of Unit for the EU & International Affairs Unit, Government IT Centre of Luxembourg and Niels Pagh-Rasmussen, Executive Architect, IBM, explored the value of the CEF building blocks from both the public and private sector perspective.

Experts in the European Commission working on the CEF building blocks (CEF eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature and eTranslation) presented the history, status and future direction of the CEF building blocks. The Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) presented on how to best submit proposals for grant funding under CEF.

To discover more how the CEF building blocks are #ConnectingEurope, visit CEF Digital 2018