
European Commission Digital

Information session on AS4

On 26 May 2016 the European Commission Directorate General for Informatics (DIGIT) organised an information session on the AS4 profile by CEF eDelivery. The Information Session was primarily aimed at software vendors, system integrators, implementers and training providers interested in AS4. Over thirty participants from the industry were registered to the event, with 187 online connections via the European Commission's audio-visual services.

The European Commission aims to develop the Digital Single Market to foster economic growth by removing barriers that impede data from flowing across borders and sectors. The Large Scale Pilot e-SENS and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which operationalises services developed in the Large Scale Pilots, have been working closely on the implementation of secure message exchange in several policy domains of the Union, commonly known as eDelivery. CEF eDelivery is a key enabler of the European Digital Single Market by allowing public administrations to exchange electronic data and documents with other public administrations, businesses and citizens, in an interoperable, secure, reliable and trusted way.

To make this a reality, a profile of the AS4 message exchange specification was developed and is now being promoted for adoption by software vendors under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

The session consisted of presentations on the goals and objectives of CEF, and a detailed look at the CEF eDelivery building block by João RODRIGUES FRADE (DIGIT), a presentation on history of conformance testing services within the e-SENS Large Scale Pilot, an explanation of the process through CEF eDelivery conformance testing by Maarten DANIELS (DIGIT), an overview of the CEF Digital 2018 Single Web Portal, and its forthcoming collaborative element (due for release end of June 2016) by Gianmarco PIVA (DIGIT) and a discussion on the current Calls for Proposals for grant funding by Kara BAPTISTA of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA).

The agenda also included a roundtable discussion with software vendors consisting of Theo KRAMER (Flame), David HIXON (IBM) and Sander FIETEN (MSc).The session identified a strong desire among software vendors to help contribute to the Digital Single Market, and an enthusiasm for grant funding.

The session was chaired and discussions moderated by Thomas FILLIS (DIGIT).

On this website, you can find all you need to know to discover and adopt the CEF building blocks, including the CEF eDelivery Service Description, containing all you need to get started. You can find additional information via the following: