
European Commission Digital

The CEF eInvoicing Stakeholders' Day

Thomas Fillis | 15-11-2016

The CEF eInvoicing Stakeholders' Day, open to all public entities and service and solution providers, will be held in Brussels on Thursday 1 December. The CEF eInvoicing Stakeholders' Day event is the third in a series of stakeholder meetings to be held between 29 November and 1 December inclusive. After two days on eDelivery, the objective of the eInvoicing Stakeholders' Day is to provide all relevant stakeholders with an update on eInvoicing, the support available to help public entities to comply with the eInvoicing Directive (2014/55/EU) and provide market clarity for service and solution providers.

This event gives you the opportunity to learn more about the eInvoicing Directive and the future European standard (EN) on Electronic Invoicing. You will also discover more about the 2016 grants available to support eInvoicing projects (until 15 December).

A panel of stakeholders responsible for eInvoicing from both the public sector and industry will share their experiences, views on the benefits of eInvoicing and the challenges to be addressed to realise its benefits in the context of the eInvoicing Directive.

A senior representative of the Centre Européen de Normalisation (CEN) will be present to discuss how the future European standard (EN) on Electronic Invoicing can benefit public entities and service and solution providers. You can also discover how another CEF Building Block, eDelivery, can help public entities and service and solution providers to reap the benefits of eInvoicing.

After lunch, you can delve into and discuss the eInvoicing Readiness Checker during a dedicated workshop. This web-based resource will go live in early 2017 to help public entities and service and solution providers to prepare for compliance with the eInvoicing Directive. Its resources include:

  • An eInvoicing maturity self-assessment tool for public entities
  • Country Sheets for 12 countries on the state of play of B2G eInvoicing
  • Profile pages available for public entities and solution & service providers to share and promote their eInvoicing experiences 

Afterwards, a second workshop will enable participants to learn about the 2016 State of play of B2G eInvoicing in public procurement study, which produced the aforementioned country sheets, and to suggest ideas to build on this for the 2017 study.

So come, learn, share expertise, network, lunch, contribute, suggest ideas and shape the future of eInvoicing in Europe. For more information, please contact the CEF Building Blocks.  


To learn more about the CEF building blocks, watch our short video now (smile)