
European Commission Digital

CEF Digital 2018: Cross-Border Solutions for your next project

Thomas Fillis | 1st July 2016

Financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the European Commission and EU Member States have developed and piloted a range of cross-border digital services, to help Connect Europe.

The CEF building blocks (eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature and eTranslation) provide basic services which can be reused to enable more complex digital public services offered to citizens, businesses and public administrations. From secure message change, to mutual recognition of documents and nationally-issued IDs to machine translation, the building blocks may be re-used separately, or in combination.

The CEF building blocks can be re-used in different policy areas by a range of different actors. Specific projects are also supported by the CEF building blocks across policy domains, these are known as Sector Specific Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI), including e Procurement, eHealth and Cybersecurity.

Together, the CEF building blocks and sector specific DSIs are known as CEF Digital 2018

The roll-out of the CEF building blocks has already started, with a range of services available to both public administrations and service providers. In addition, grant funding is available to facilitate the uptake of CEF Digital 2018 (the second 2016 CEF Telecom Calls were launched on 12 May 2016 – 15 September 2016) with a total budget of EUR 70 million. The Calls for Proposals are administrated by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA).

The European Commission has launched the CEF Digital 2018 Portal, home to the CEF building blocks.

Right now, there is a community working to digitally connect Europe using the CEF building blocks. Via the portal's collaborative platform, Public Administrations, Businesses and stakeholders can meet, discuss and collaborate on the CEF building blocks.

The portal provides access to information, tools, services and software to help European Projects and Public Administrations use the building blocks in their next project. It also includes the CEF Dashboard, which provides an overview of the progress, quality and uptake of CEF Digital 2018.

The CEF Building Blocks can support your project in the following ways:

Simplify your project;
Reduce Costs;
Be used in any sector;
Are already built in compliance with relevant legislation, such as eIDAS and eInvoicing;

Roll-out and development of the CEF building blocks has already started. Visit the CEF Digital 2018 Portal to get started and help us Connect Europe

To learn more about the CEF building blocks, watch our short video now (smile)