What is OOTSThe Once-Only Technical
System is creating a cross-sector data space

When completing an online procedure, citizens will be able to give their explicit request to retrieve evidence from a competent authority in another Member State. The explicit request triggers the retrieval of evidence from competent authorities across many different sectors through the Once-Only Technical System (education, vehicles, population registers, and more).

illustration Once Only Technical System (OOTS)

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Benefits of the Once-Only Technical System

The Once-Only Technical System will eliminate barriers to mobility

  • The Once-Only Technical System means citizens no longer need to do the work to figure out what the matching evidence is in another Member State and which authentic data source can provide it and to play the go-between
  • Public Administrations can trust evidence delivered through the Once-Only Technical System as it is provided directly from the authentic source via a trusted protocol (eDelivery)
  • As the evidence comes directly from the source, public administrations will always receive the latest version of the evidence
  • The Once-Only Technical System exchanges standardised and non-standardised evidence with the same level of trust and security
  • The Once-Only Technical System will be a secure and privacy friendly cross-sector G2G data-space for exchange of data directly among public administrations, which can be used even beyond once-only


The Once-Only Technical System will

There are different evidences required across the Member States for administrative procedures

Automate the mapping of evidence types between the Member States via the Once-Only Technical System common services.

There are many evidence providers in each Member State and no easy way to know who they are

Provide an EU-wide catalogue of evidence providers via the Once-Only Technical System common services.

It is not easy for administrations to confirm that evidence citizens upload is authentic and up-to-date

Directly connect public administrations with authentic data sources via a secure channel.

Visit the Once-Only Technical System user journey page for a detailed overview of the 7 steps in the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) journey.

Discover the OOTS user journey

The scope of Once-Only Technical System

Not all procedures portals will need to connect to the Once-Only Technical System. In the context of the Evidence Mapping Sub-Group, Member States are consulting their competent authorities to determine which procedures require the exchange of evidence across borders. Through this work, Member States will define which procedure portals will need to connect in order to be able to request evidence and which competent authorities will need to connect in to provide evidence.

The SDGR sets out the use of the technical system for online procedures in the scope of these legal instruments:

Single Digital Gateway Regulation

The Single Digital Gateway Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1724) (SDGR) is a multifaceted EU-wide initiative that strives to create the digital infrastructure required to overcome these challenges. It aims to help citizens and businesses make best of the Single Market.

The Once-Only Technical System

The SDGR provides the legal framework for the creation of a European data space for public administrations to share information in a trusted way. By December 2023, this government-to-government data space, known as the Once-Only Technical System , will be rolled out in every Member State. It will significantly ease and speed up the cross-border administrative procedures covered by the SDGR. Thanks to the OOTS, it will be easier for citizens to study, move, work, retire or do business across the EU. The OOTS will connect public authorities across the EU, so they can exchange official documents and data at the citizen's request.

Once-Only Technical System Implementing Regulation

A specific Implementing Regulation ((EU) 2022/1463) further sets out the technical and operational specifications of the technical system in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 on Europe's Single Digital Gateway.

Your Europe

Since December 2020, the Your Europe portal implements the functionalities requested by the SDGR by providing reliable information about Single Market rights. It offers useful information about online public services available in each Member State and the associated administrative procedures required, e.g., for studying, working or retiring abroad. Furthermore, it provides online access to assistance and problem-solving services on how to carry out certain administrative procedures.

21 Procedures in scope of the Once-Only Technical System

By December 2023, 21 procedures listed in Annex II to this Regulation will be made available to users fully online, allowing citizens and businesses to identify themselves by electronic means, fill in the application, provide supporting evidence or request it through the OOTS, sign and submit the application to the competent authorities. The completion of an online procedure will be confirmed with an automatic acknowledgment of receipt. The output of the procedure will also be delivered electronically. Physical delivery will still be possible, if required by EU or national law. From the same date, cross-border users should have a non-discriminatory access to administrative procedures, that are available online for national users.

21 procedures of Annex II of the SDGR


  • 1. Requesting proof of registration of birth


  • 2. Requesting proof of residence


  • 3. Applying for a tertiary education study financing
    *confirmed for OOTS
  • 4. Initial application for admission to public tertiary education institution
    *confirmed for OOTS
  • 5. Academic recognition of  diplomas, certificates or other proof of studies or courses
    *confirmed for OOTS


  • 6. Request for determination of social security benefits
  • 7. Changes in circumstances relating to social security
  • 8. Application for European Health Insurance Card
  • 9. Submitting an income tax declaration


  • 10. Registering a change of address
  • 11. Registering a motor vehicle
    *confirmed for OOTS
  • 12. Obtaining stickers for the use of the national road infrastructure
  • 13. Obtaining emission stickers
    *confirmed for OOTS


  • 14. Claiming pension and pre-retirement benefits
  • 15. Requesting information on the data related to pension

Starting, running and closing a business

  • 16. Notification of business activity
    *confirmed for OOTS
  • 17. Registration of employer with compulsory pension and insurance schemes
  • 18. Registration of employee with compulsory pension and insurance schemes
  • 19. Submitting a corporate tax declaration
  • 20. Notification to the social security schemes of the end of contract
  • 21. Payment of social contributions for employees

*Procedures where Member States have confirmed thus far that cross-border evidence exchange is required

Two key principles of the Regulation put the user at the centre of the evidence exchange process: consent and preview

Based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1724, the single digital gateway facilitates online access to information, administrative procedures, and assistance services that EU citizens and businesses may need in another EU country. The Once-Only Technical System allows for the cross-border automated exchange of evidence to help citizens and businesses conduct administrative procedures online.

Everyone using the Once-Only Technical System must have sufficient information to enable them to make an informed choice and explicitly request that their specific evidence is exchanged through the technical system. The Once-Only Technical System must then ensure that anyone using the system can view the evidence to be exchanged – in a secure preview space – before deciding whether or not to proceed with the exchange of evidence.

The user must give their
explicit request

The user have the possibility to preview
the evidence before it is exchanged


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