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European Commission Digital

eInvoicing Services

eInvoicing Stakeholders onboarding

About the service

The DIGITAL eInvoicing Stakeholders onboarding service aims to facilitate the adoption of the Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement by enabling interactions between the different types of users (e.g., Public Entities, Suppliers, and Service and Solution Providers). The key objectives are to facilitate stakeholder understanding of eInvoicing policies, practices, and benefits; provide relevant resources, support, and guidance to stakeholders; foster active participation and collaboration within the eInvoicing user community; and ensure effective communication and dissemination of key messages and updates.


The table below presents an overview of the onboarding phases and the corresponding services offered by DIGITAL eInvoicing.





On-board stakeholders


Raise awareness of DIGITAL eInvoicing services, incl. its stakeholders, specificities, goals and benefits.



Based on the user type (public entity, service and solution provider or supplier), users explore the most suitable onboarding service(s) for them. 

Stakeholders' follow-up


Users implement the eInvoicing Directive and the accompanying standard on electronic invoicing, supported by DIGITAL eInvoicing services.

Who can use the service?

The DIGITAL eInvoicing Stakeholders onboarding service targets the following types of users:

  • Public entities  (incl. country representatives) – Involved in the transposition and implementation of the Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement and the adaptation of EU and national policies.
  • Suppliers – Entities doing business using the European standard on eInvoicing. They are involved in the creation, usage and exchange of eInvoices according to national obligations.
  • Service and Solution Providers – Involved in the design, operation and implementation of eInvoicing systems/solutions compliant with the Directive 2014/55/EU and the European Standard (EN 16931-1:2017 semantic and CEN/TS 16931-2:2017 syntaxes).

A wider spectrum of stakeholders considered for the proposed activities under the DIGITAL eInvoicing Stakeholders Onboarding service is listed below:

  • Standardisation bodies.
  • Relevant business associations.
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Large multinationals (both European and international).
  • Chambers of Commerce.
  • Auditors, accountants, and financial professionals

Benefits of using the service

Users of the DIGITAL eInvoicing Stakeholders onboarding service benefit from:

  • Targeted and on-demand engagement activities: Users benefit from targeted activities aimed at increasing stakeholder knowledge about DIGITAL eInvoicing (e.g. newsletters, webinars, events, and info sessions);
  • Facilitated adoption process of the EN: Users benefit from hands-on experience and best practices related to the implementation of the European Standard on electronic invoicing through dedicated eInvoicing events and access to eInvoicing experts. In addition, there is an active online eInvoicing community that provides access to useful information and interaction with like-minded stakeholders;
  • Reduced learning curve: Users benefit from access to the DIGITAL eInvoicing team’s expertise and save time and costs during the implementation process of the eInvoicing.


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