This section has not been updated since the release of July 2021.



This folder contains the various steps of a methodology to develop new data models for evidence types under the SDGR.


In order to model the semantics for different types of evidence exchanged in cross-border administrative procedures, the methodology envisions the following key phases as shown below:


There are six phases, which range from the identification of existing efforts, evidences and data models to the creation of distributions and the publication of documentation. In essence, the steps focus on arriving at a consensus on semantics. In line with the European Commission’s core values of democracy and transparency, this methodology provides tools and guidelines on how to reach the widest consensus possible.

This process should be placed in a broader context, in the sense that preliminary work carried out upstream, i.e. the identification of the evidence types to be modelled through the definition of use cases, is expected to take place. To define which evidences are to be modelled, there must be an evidence selection process where candidate evidences are evaluated and either selected or discarded based on whether they fulfil certain criteria or use case(s).

The involvement of domain experts (preferably from each Member State) in this kind of discussion is key to ensure collaboration between Member States. Their knowledge of the different specific features of national use cases and evidence will streamline the process of selecting the most relevant evidence to be modelled.

Once the evidence type to be modelled is defined, the methodology can be applied.

For each step, the key activities of every stakeholder group are described. If you would like to see an overview of the general roles and responsibilities of a stakeholder group, please refer to the section defining roles and responsibilities. If any key terms are unclear to you, please refer to the glossary. When relevant, additional information is provided alongside the key activities, in the form of rules and guidelines, tools or even examples. This is intended to make this methodology as easy to use as possible, helping the reader to develop common data models. Finally, for each step, three types of activities have been identified:

  1. Business analysis, i.e. identifying business needs and determining solutions.
  2. Technical analysis, i.e. identifying technical requirements and determining solutions.
  3. Review, i.e. formal assessment potentially leading to changes.

Business analysis activities are more present at the beginning of the methodology. As we advance to the latter stages of the methodology, they make way for technical activities. As in any project, business needs are defined before technical needs. Review activities occur throughout the course of the methodology.

GitHub is used as the platform for reviewing the data models as it is the de facto standard for developing technical specifications in a collaborative manner. Github offers built-in versioning control as well as other features that make it easy to propose suggestions and raise issues. (Here you can find the documentation on how to create issues on GitHub.)

Engagement is a key element to the success of the different stages of the methodology. Having a high degree of participation from MS is therefore essential to achieve quality results which are consensus-driven. Working Group members, i.e. Member States representatives, should therefore be well represented during throughout the process.

Phase 1: Identify and analyse existing standardisation efforts, evidences and data models


Quick links:

Step 1 Identify and share existing models and standardisation efforts

Business analysis - identification of business needs and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Working Group members and domain experts identify and share existing models, standardisation efforts or policies.
  • The responsible DG in line with the evidence being modelled share existing models, standardisation efforts or policies.
  • The Editors collect information from the Working Group members and the responsible DG.

Working Group members will share information they possess related to the OOTS data model for specific evidence types being built. Similarly, DGs with competencies in relation to the scope of the evidence being modelled, will share relevant information and existing legal pieces of work (and/or other relevant pieces of work)

The objective is to gather information in order to have a global overview of data models, and/or standardisation rules implemented and used across Europe and leverage this insight to develop a OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

This step is specifically interested in information available at global, i.e. European level, rather than at national level, which is the scope of step 2.

Rules and Guidelines

One important aspect of this step is ensuring data quality. This is ensured by the requirement that all data come from authoritative sources. Working Group members are responsible for identifying and contacting the authorities that hold the relevant information. In addition, reusing content based on intrinsic licenses may necessitate the use of a specific license for the model being developed.


A collaborative tool, e.g. Confluence, GitHub.


For example, for social security, EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information) is an IT system already in place. For education related matters, Europass, from DG EMPL, is in place.

Step 2 Identify and share entities, attributes and descriptions used in national implementations

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities


Step 2 is about the national implementation of data models or legislative pieces. Contrary to step 1, step 2 is looking at gathering elements from national contexts.

It is possible that relevant data models (semantic or other) do not exist or were not shared in step 1. Step 2 will remediate this by gathering relevant elements from national implementations.

Working Group members will share information on:

  • Examples of evidences
  • Entities they judge paramount for the OOTS data model for specific evidence types being built
  • Attributes they judge mandatory and optional;
  • Descriptions of elements in their national implementations.

Before sending any data, the Working Group members should consider the following:

  • Has the data model been validated and implemented by a competent authority?
  • Has the data model been issued in a final version?

A spreadsheet can be used to present and compare the different data models.


The table below illustrates how SKOS mapping properties can be used to compare models.

Italy data model Spain data model SKOS mapping value
Person Person exact match
Birth no match

If provided, the table can also include definitions and URIs to ease comparison.

Example of an implementation (Person Condition Register and Registration Register) shared by Germany: see issue #89. Example of a data model shared by Spain: issue #37.

Step 3 Identify and analyse models used or standardisation efforts (elsewhere)

Business analysis - identification of business needs and related solutions.

Key activities

The Editors analyse European and global initiatives to standardise the exchange of information.


In parallel with steps 1 and 2, the Editors document the information received and any European and/or global initiatives that aim at standardising data exchanges between Member States. The output of this step will serve as a basis for drafting the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

Step 1 and 2 are the source of information for step 3. While Working Group members and competent DGs gather information, the editors will focus on documenting and analysing the information received. Editors should also do a research effort to not exclude any relevant data model and standardization effort used elsewhere.

This step supplements part of step 2, concerns existing harmonisation of information contained in the evidences at European level. The editors may reuse the necessary elements from these initiatives.

Rules and Guidelines

Reusing content based on intrinsic licenses may necessitate the use of a specific license for the model being developed.


Below are some links of input sources.


The Core Person Vocabulary can be used when modelling data related to people.

Phase 2: Draft data model


Quick links:

Step 4 Analyse the models and derive necessary elements

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors analyse the existing data models and information shared to check what is common and can be reused.

The Editors analyse the data models, concrete examples and other useful documentation received from the Working Group and the DGs in the previous steps. Specifically, they look for similarities (and dissimilarities) between the different data models and documentation in order to identify a common set of entities, attributes and relationships that are relevant for the respective evidence that is being modelled.

Considering the procedure, and thus the use case(s), for which the evidence is being modelled will also inform the analysis of models and documentation in order to derive necessary elements.

Rules and Guidelines
  • The OOTS data model for specific evidence types will not be used to model paper documents but rather evidence itself, i.e., information required by competent authorities to prove a fact about a citizen or business. Therefore, when modelling evidence types, the granularity of the data should be limited to the fact the citizen or business needs to provde to complete a procedure. The Editors should look for the minimum common denominator when consolidating and analysing (fragments of) data models and information received.
  • The SKOS Mapping Properties can be used to compare entities or attributes across different models.
  • When selecting the core entities, attributes and relationships, the editors can define thresholds making it possible to decide which of the latter will be mandatory, optional or discarded. For instance, if no other Member State mentioned the need for an attribute it should be discarded.
  • Linked Open Vocabularies which is a source for predicates, i.e. existing attributes/relationships that might be candidates for reuse.
  • A spreadsheet can be used to present and compare the different data models.

The table below illustrates how SKOS mapping properties can be used to compare models. insert picture If provided, the table can also include definitions and URIs to ease comparison.

Step 5 Select set of core entities, attributes and relationships

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors select the entities, attributes and relationships that are needed to model the respective evidence.
  • The Editors propose which attributes and relationships are mandatory / optional.

With the output of the previous steps, the Editors select the entities, attributes and relationships that are common to most data models and that are necessary to model the evidence. They also determine which attributes should be mandatory and which should be optional.

They do this by agreeing on thresholds with the Working Group. These thresholds might be quantifiable, e.g. “if at least five Member States have an attribute, the attribute is included” or “if one Member State is not able to provide an attribute, the attribute is made optional”.

Rules and Guidelines

Be as specific as possible, without restricting local flexibility too much.

  • A spreadsheet can be used to select the set of core entities, attributes and relationships of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • The collaborative tool can be used to discuss on the inclusion of entities, attributes and relationships.

Step 6 Description from ISA² Core Vocabularies

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

The Editors assess whether the ISA² Core Vocabularies can be reused


The Editors verify whether an ISA² Core Vocabulary can be reused. Reuse is a key objective when drafting OOTS data model for specific evidence types. In case there is no reusable ISA² Core Vocabulary, or it is not coherent with the context of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, the editors will consider other possibilities as presented in step 7.

Core Vocabularies are simplified, re-usable and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of an entity in a context-neutral fashion. Public administrations can use and extend the Core Vocabularies in the following contexts:

  • Development of new systems
  • Information exchange between systems
  • Data integration
  • Open data publishing
Tool(s) Example(s)
  • The Core Person Vocabulary describes a class/entity Person that has an attribute/property "gender" that expects a Code as data type, coming from four possible controlled vocs: ISO, Eurostat, HL7 or SDMX.
  • Gender is a challenging topic due to the varying recognition of non-binary gender, issue #143.

Step 7 Description from other respected sources

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

The Editors gather information elsewhere than the ISA² Core Vocabularies.


Should an entity or attribute not be (properly) defined in the ISA² Core Vocabularies, the editors will find adequate documentation elsewhere. ‘Not properly defined’ refers to a circular definition of a term, i.e. already containing the term that is to be defined.

  1. Other respected sources can be considered when the terms are defined in a well-known domain-specific ontology. In general, entities, attributes, relationships and definitions should be linked to existing terminologies.
  2. In the event of information not being available in existing vocabularies, the editors propose definitions for new entities / attributes using respected and authoritative dictionaries (which are deemed to be of excellent quality).

A ‘respected dictionary’ refers to a dictionary widely regarded as an authority on the English language.

Rules and Guidelines

Generic rules and guidelines

Specific rules and guidelines for the table per entity

  • When defining a term, it should not be included in the tentative definition.
Tool(s) Example(s)

For instance, for the Completion of secondary education evidence the course name definition comes from Merriam-Webster ; i.e. “Name given to a number of lectures or other matters dealing with a subject.”

Step 8 Create UML class diagram

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors design an UML class diagram

The Editors will leverage the information collected in the previous phase to develop a UML class diagram. This aims to visually describe how entities of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types will interact with each other. The diagram displays thedifferent entities, the relationship between entities, and their attributes as well as the expected types.

The exclusive focus on entities, attributes and relationships will allow the Working Group members to concentrate on the semantic aspects of the model. Supplementary modelling elements are added in step 9 when entities are documented in tables.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Follow the UML design rules:
  • Each element and their relationships should be identified in advance;
  • Attributes of each class should be clearly identified;
  • Attributes should be presented in the following manner:attributeName: expected type. “Expected type” is further defined in step 11;
  • Avoid as much as possible lines crossing each other;
  • Ensure orthogonality of relationships;
  • Parents elements are higher than the child elements, so the subclass arrows always point upwards;
  • Align elements either by one of their sides or by their centers;
  • Make elements of the same size, if possible;
  • Diagrams should show the cardinality of attributes and relationships as well;
  • Entities names should start with an uppercase;
  • Attributes names should start with a lower case.

Some examples of proprietary and open source tools are the following:

Proprietary tools:

Open source tools:


Step 9 Create tables for all entities

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors create tables for all entities.

Relying on the input gathered, the editors draft tables for all the entities of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types. Per entity, the table consists of the following elements;

  • Proposed attribute(s) / relationship(s)
  • Proposed expected type
  • Proposed definition
  • Proposed cardinality

Tables are a way to provide further information and context to the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, unlike the UML class diagram which can be seen as a visual representation of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types. Both form the OOTS data model for specific evidence types referred to in the follwowing steps.

Rules and Guidelines

Generic rules and guidelines for step 9

  • Multilingualism, localisation and internationalisation aspects should be considered. A language neutral identifier for every concept and additional Member State language columns in the tables facilitates Member State participation.
  • The scope of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types should be described by a fact or an event that is proven by the evidence represented by the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • The tables should have a language-neutral identifier that, throughout the creation and review of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, is agnostic to name changes.

Specific rules and guidelines for the table per entity:

  • Sources of the entities/attributes should be added, e.g. existing regulation, reused model, etc.
  • Entities,attributes and relationships should be accompanied by a definition as well as their cardinality.
  • The regulation 2016/1191 on Public Documents sets a set of fields for the production of multilingual standard forms. Each field has a code and a text label that has been officially translated into the Member States’ official languages. It is essential to provide (when possible) the correspondence between the attributes of the proposed OOTS data model for specific evidence types and the fields of the multilingual standard forms of the regulation on Public Documents for evidences related to such a domain. The aforementioned approach could be reused for evidences other than public documents.
Tool(s) The collaborative tool, e.g. Github. Example(s)

Phase 3: Select controlled vocabularies


Quick links:

Step 10 Identify and propose controlled vocabularies across the model

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Working Group members and the domain experts propose controlled vocabularies for the different attributes defined in the previous phases.
  • The Editors synthesise the propositions and complement with additional standard controlled vocabularies where relevant.

Once a core set of common attributes has been agreed upon and the draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types is stable enough, the set of controlled vocabularies, for those attributes where a controlled vocabulary is needed, needs to be analysed.

The editors create a table with the common attributes along one axis and the local implementations along the other, placing the controlled vocabularies suggested in the cells. Along with the controlled vocabularies, the Working Group is tasked with proposing usage notes for all the attributes agreed upon.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Controlled vocabularies at the EU level are multilingual which helps in cross- border data exchange scenarios.
  • (Domain-specific) Controlled vocabularies which are internationally accepted should be considered.
  • Controlled vocabularies should have governance processes in place, be hosted in a sustainable manner and be provided free of charge.
Tool(s) Example(s)

For instance, for the gender attribute the Human Sex controlled vocabulary has been identified and proposed.

Step 11 Choose recommended controlled vocabularies

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors put forward the different propositions for each attribute working towards a decision.
  • The Working Group members and the domain experts discuss - through the collaborative tool - and select the controlled vocabularies.

Based on the table of controlled vocabularies, the Working Group members discuss which controlled vocabularies are the most appropriate to be recommended. They also review whether the proposed usage notes are adequate. This may be based on the status of particular vocabularies (e.g. if they are based on an international standard) or on their usage across multiple implementations.

In the case of divergent views, a live discussion may be organised by the Editors and the moderator to arrive at a consensus on the most controversial proposed solutions.

Rules and Guidelines

It is important to agree on common official controlled vocabularies that can harmonise the way in which specific values of properties are specified accross different countries, allowing for a uniform indexing and retrieving of data based on common terms.


As suggested by the Working Group, the editors have used the language code list as controlled vocabulary for the language attribute of all tertiary education related evidences (see issue #120).

Step 12 Create controlled vocabularies

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities


In the event of no controlled vocabularies being available, the Editors (or Working Group members) have the opportunity to propose the creation of new controlled vocabularies. Required controlled vocabularies, that do not yet exist, need to be created by the Publications Office, as part of the EU Vocabularies. If necessary, existing controlled vocabularies can be updated.


Step 13 Harmonise controlled vocabularies across the data model

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

The Editors harmonise the controlled vocabularies and usage notes across the OOTS data model for specific evidence types while ensuring the alignment between OOTS data models for specific evidence types.


The Editors consider all controlled vocabularies and usage notes across the OOTS data model for specific evidence types - and across all OOTS data models for specific evidence types - , checking their consistency and identifying any overlaps or gaps. Editors may propose changes to the recommendations, for example if different controlled vocabularies have been recommended for identical or similar attributes. Editors may also propose slight changes to the usage notes, for example to harmonise the writing style across the model or solve inconsistencies.

Step 14 Document core set of attributes and recommended vocabularies

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

The Editors document the consensus and construct the working draft.


On the basis of discussions in phases 3 and 4, the editors will document the decisions and prepare to update the draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

Phase 4: Review data model and incorporate comments


Quick links:

Step 15 Publish draft data model

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors finalise the OOTS data model for specific evidence types based on information collected in step 8, step 9, step 10, step 11, step 12, step 13 and step 14.
  • The Editors publish the output.

The draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types expressed as a UML diagram with textual description (i.e. tables) of the entities, attributes, relationships, definitions, cardinalities, controlled vocabularies and usage notes is finalised. The Editors construct the final draft version of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types based on the changes that have been agreed upon and derived from the previous seven steps. Additionally, the model is prepared for review.

Finally, it is important for Working Group members and the Editors to agree on an Open Licence to be used. Reusing content based on intrinsic licences may oblige editors to use a specific licence. In addition, acknowledgement sections should be added specifying that the OOTS data models for specific evidence types developed rely heavily on the contributions of Working Group members, and subsequently the Member States.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the Working Group members or its representatives. This is a draft model and may be updated, replaced or made obsolete by another model at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this model as anything other than a work in progress. Comments on the model are invited. Further details on Step 17.
  • Choose an open license, e.g. CC0, EUPL.
  • Publish the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, its elements and related documentation via persistent (and ideally, dereferenceable) URIs.
  • Provide machine access to the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

The collaborative tool, e.g. GitHub.


Based on the steps described before, diagrams and tables, in their first version, were published.

Step 16 Review draft data model

Review - formal assessment potentially leading to changes.

Key activities


The Working Group members and the Editors agree on a tool to collaborate and capture the feedback. Using this tool, reviewers can create issues and the Editors can follow up on them thanks to an issue tracker.

The Editors then publish the draft using the collaborative tool. The published draft of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types is reviewed by the Working Group members and domain experts when relevant.

The Editors respond within an agreed timeframe to each issue made by the Working Group members, informing the reviewers that they have taken note of and will process the issue. The Editors consolidate solutions to the issue and seek additional contribution from the reviewers. This is done in collaboration with the moderator and rapporteur.

Issues can come in many different forms. For instance, an issue may deal with a modification to an existing entity or attribute, the addition or removal of an entity and/or attribute, etc. For further details about these types of issues, please check:

Issues are categorised according to their type; (i) editorial (ii) minor or (iii) major.

  • Editorial issue: issue stemming from errors in the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, which are not affecting the semantic agreement in any way. These issues may be addressed directly and do not lead to another review cycle.
  • Minor issue: issue leading to direct changes in the deliverables. These issues may be addressed directly and do not lead to another review cycle.
  • Major issue: issue qualified as show stopper and/or transversal issue. Either stakeholders decide together on how to address the issue directly, without leading to another review cycle, or, once the issue is addressed, the OOTS data model for specific evidence types undergoes another review round.

The moderator ensures that the agreement process is transparent and acknowledged by all reviewers.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Use case descriptions should be provided along with the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • Model components should be translated.
  • Editors organise issues as in a forum, by discussions and subjects hierachising the threads.
  • Reviewers are encouraged to directly create issues on the collaborative tool.
  • Reviewers are encouraged to propose a solution whenever they raise an issue.
  • Reviewers are encouraged to use labelling and tagging to facilitate searchability and increase the responsiveness of contributors.
  • Reviewers should consider how to present and discuss issues (e.g. technical versus business aspects).
  • Reviewers are encouraged to provide context to their issues (e.g. OOTS data model for specific evidence types used).
  • Reviewers are encouraged to structure their issues and especially their denomination to increase comprehension. For instance:
Name of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types or sub-part (e.g. relevant entity) and a short statement of the issue

+ VehicleRegistrationCertificate evidence should contain registration status
  • Additional commenting guidelines are described in the Wiki. These guidelines are specific for the SDG OOP but generic across the Work Packages (and therefore not limited to this methodology).

The collaborative tool, e.g. Confluence, GitHub.

Example(s) The following example describes the review of a draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types followed by the creation of an issue and its processing by the Editors and the Working Group members. The process is the following:
  1. The Editors publish on GitHub the diagram and tables describing the Vehicle registration certificate.
  2. While reviewing the model, the domain experts will try to answer the following questions:
  • Can you process the evidence in your country if only the mandatory attributes are provided? If not, what other optional or missing attributes do you need?
  • Are the elements and their relationships correctly used and labelled?
  • Do you agree with the definition of the elements?
  • Are all elements necessary for this evidence described in the model?
  • Are there conflicts between the elements of the model and the elements used in your country?
  • Is the element mandatory or optional in your country (cardinality)?
  • Do you have specific codes or expected types (e.g. format of date, address etc.) for attributes?
  1. The reviewers document their issues on GitHub. For instance, concerning the Vehicle registration certificate, the following issue was created #45.
  You may notice that the issue describes in practice several comments related to the vehicle registration certificate as well as an image of the data model used within the country. 

To simplify the contribution of other reviewers to this issue, the Editors will analyse the proposition, categorise it with labels, verify whether the issue should be restructured and describe the pros and cons of the issue documented.

 In our example, each bullet point from the general comment should represent a separate issue. 
 However, the editors should avoid as much as possible overcomplicating the structure of GitHub issues by creating complex hierarchies between the issues.
 For instance, the visual data model proposed by the issue owner does not need to be separated from the initial issue #45 since it represents a direct source of information which may be relevant for more than one issue. 
  1. The Editors or the Moderators answer, usually within one working week, to the initial issue created by acknowledging the issue or directly giving an initial answer.
  2. The Editors propose resolutions or ask for more details concerning the issue(s) raised to trigger discussion and comments from other Working Group members.
  3. The discussion continues as reviewers comment on the issue.
  4. If no agreement has been reached, the Editors prepare the discussions and alternatives to be tackled during a webinar to be organised following the review period.

Step 17 Propose enhancements

Review - formal assessment potentially leading to changes.

Key activities

  • The Working Group members propose enhancements after reviewing the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, if needed.
  • The Editors consolidate the propositions and present them with resolutions to the Working Group members. If needed, the Editors seek additional contributions from the reviewers in collaboration with the moderator and rapporteur.

Working Group members create semantic issues that deal with enhancements to the draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types published. Enhancements can take the form of requests regarding the proposed draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types. This may be changes to the definitions, relationships, data types, cardinalities, etc.

In this context, it must important to note that enhancement also means restrictions, as one of the key principles of developing OOTS data models for specific evidence types is data minimisation.

As outlined in Step 16. Review draft data model, the Editors invite opinions and feedback to the issues and moderate the ensuing discussion.

After considering the proposition, the Editors assess the type of issue, whether it is minor or major, and record the resolution. After that, a response is sent to the reviewers. The response to a semantic issue usually includes a summary of the context of the proposition, the resolution agreed by the Working Group members and the justification for the resolution, particularly in cases where the proposition is rejected.

Rules and Guidelines

The Working Group members must resolve each proposition in one of three ways:

  • Accepted: This usually means that changes will be made that will be reflected in the next draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • Rejected: No changes will be made to the draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • Partially accepted: Part of the change is accepted, but other parts are rejected. As indicated in the previous step, resolution will either lead to phase 5 or phase 4.

There are no specific tools for this step. The GitHub issue feature can be used (or pull request feature for more advanced users) to propose enhancements.


As described in issue#125, a proposition was made to enhance an attribute as it was too narrow and did not encompass all the possibilities for that attribute.

Step 18 Propose additional attributes

Review - formal assessment potentially leading to changes.

Key activities

  • The Working Group members propose additional attributes after reviewing the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, if needs be.
  • The Editors consolidate the propositions and present them with resolutions to the Working Group members. If needed, the editors seek additional contribution from the reviewers in collaboration with the moderator and rapporteur.

Working Group members create semantic issues which deal with attributes (and entities) that could or should be included in the draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types published. It might be that in certain cases Working Group members request the deletion of an attribute, a controlled vocabulary, and/or entity.

As outlined in Step 16. Review draft data model, the Editors invite opinions and feedback on the issue and moderate the ensuing discussion.

After considering of the proposition, the Editors assess the type of issue, whether it is minor or major, and record the resolution. After that, a response is sent to the reviewers. The response usually includes the resolution agreed on by the Working Group members and the justification for the resolution, particularly in cases where the proposed attribute(s) is (are) rejected.

Rules and Guidelines

The Working Group members must resolve each proposition in one of three ways:

  • Accepted: This usually means that changes will be made that will be reflected in the next draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • Rejected: No changes will be made to the draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • Partially accepted: Part of the change is accepted, but other parts are rejected.

By default, attributes and entities added to the OOTS data model for specific evidence types are optional.


There are no specific tools for this step. As in the previous step, we propose using the GitHub issue feature (or pull request feature for more advanced users) to propose additional attributes/entities.


For instance, issue #26 suggested adding the CO2 emission per KM as well as the environmental class attributes to the vehicle class. In issue#73 additional dates were added to the model.

Step 19 Perform semantic mapping of attributes

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • Upon receiving additional attributes from the the Working Group members, the Editors perform a semantic clustering of attributes. Afterwards, the Editors will map the ‘semantic clusters’ to existing attributes, if any. Should there not be an attribute to map a ‘semantic cluster’ to, the Editors will propose a new attribute (or entity).
  • The Working Group members discuss the ‘semantic clusters’ - and potentially the new attribute(s) - and work towards consensus.

Wherever attributes do not convey exactly the same information, ‘semantic clusters’ of similar attributes should be constructed to find a common, higher-level, and more general attribute to which the more specific attributes can be mapped.

Rules and Guidelines

The relationships between different attributes (or entities) can be given a value according to the SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) Mapping system. The different values outlined in this system are

  • exact match;
  • close match;
  • related match;
  • broader match;
  • narrower match;
  • (no match, i.e. absence of match).
Tool(s) This step can be performed using a spreadsheet tool, such as Microsoft Excel, in which related attributes are juxtaposed in two columns and given a semantic mapping value in a third column. Example(s)

Step 20 Harmonise entities, attributes and descriptions across the data model

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • the Editors harmonise the entities, attributes and descriptions across the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

The Editors consider all the entities, attributes and descriptions across the all OOTS data models for specific evidence types and check their consistency. The Editors may propose changes to the attributes, for example to harmonise the names and definitions across entities or solve inconsistencies.

Rules and Guidelines

In order to guarantee semantic interoperability amongst different OOTS data models for specific evidence types – that might be developed at the same time –, the same modelling patterns, especially for concepts independent of a specific domain, can be applied across OOTS data models for specific evidence types (e.g. location, person, organisation) unless specific characteristics for them are required.


Following a discussion on the SDG sandbox, the editors proposed to align the Location entity for all tertiary education related evidences (see issue #133).

Step 21 Update draft data model

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

the Editors create an updated coherent draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types based on information collected in the previous steps.


The draft OOTS data model for specific evidence types expressed as a UML diagram with textual description (i.e. tables) of the entities, attributes, relationships, definitions, cardinalities and controlled vocabularies, i.e. codelists, is finalised. The Editors construct the new and final version of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types based on the changes that have been agreed upon and derived from the previous four steps.

Rules and Guidelines Publication as a last call Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the Working Group members or its representatives. This is a draft model and may be updated, replaced or made obsolete by another model at any time. Endorsement of the model will be sought in the `step 23`.

Phase 5: Finalise data model


Quick links:

Step 22 Test the final data model with instance data

Review - formal assessment potentially leading to changes.

Key activities

  • A selected number of Working Group members and domain experts test the model against instance data.
  • The Editors assist the Working Group members in the testing by collecting and categorising the feedback.

So far, the process of defining the elements of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types was a theoretical exercise. The objective of this step is to test the final model against instance data, i.e. actual data, in order to discover potential flaws or blind spots in the model. In this step, working group members have to provide (dummy) instance data and report on the challenges they face when:

  • mapping this instance data to the model (perspective of the data provider). Working group members must answer the question: “Can we provide this information?”.
  • processing instance data that respects the OOTS data model for specific evidence types (perspective of the data consumer). Working group members must now answer the question: “Can we process this information?”, where the information represents the minimum data required by the model and, in this case, considering that the data was hypothetically received from another party.

Mapping instance data is, in the jargon, looking from the data provider perspective. For instance, a person needs evidence of a diploma from studying in a Member State (A) for a procedure in another Member State (B). The mapping takes the perspective of Member State (A). From the other perspective, processing the instance data would take the role of the data consumer. In the example above, Member State (B) is the data consumer.

A likely process for this step could be as follows:

  1. Initiate – All working group members have the possibility to volunteer for the testing of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types with instance data. At the beginning of this exercise, editors will organise a meeting with the volunteers to walk them through the process and outline the expectations.
  2. Map – Volunteers will play the role of the data provider and create instance data for the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, with as many attributes as are available in their national system, and map them to the attributes in the template provided.
  3. Process – Volunteers will play the role of the data consumer and receive minimal evidence (mandatory fields only) data from another MS, i.e. another volunteer - as collected in the preceding step. These volunteers will then process the instance data received.
  4. Report – Volunteers will report on (semantic) challenges arising from both the mapping and processing of instance data. This step should reveal potential flaws in the model thanks to the life-like situation of processing an evidence.
  5. Improve – Testing is followed by reporting. Volunteers will therefore share their findings with the broader audience and discuss how to improve the models (e.g. by adding usage notes).

The feedback received during this step needs to be documented, categorised and analysed.

Rules and Guidelines

Questions to bear in mind when testing the model against instance data:

  • How relevant do you think the data in the attribute is for cross-border exchange?
  • For the mandatory attributes: how can you process them, and are there any specific requirements for the format of the data?
  • For the optional attributes: what are the challenges for processing of data if the attribute is missing?

For this exercise, a spreadsheet is useful.

Attribute Expected type Definition Cardinality Code list Instance data Mapping relation Mapping Comment Processing comment
Identifier Identifier An unambiguous reference to the Tertiary Education Evidence. [1..1] N/A
issuing date Date The date on which the Tertiary Education Evidence was issued. [1..1] N/A
language Code The language in which the Tertiary Education Evidence is issued. [1..*] Language
qualification name Text Full name of the qualification, at least in the original language(s) as it is styled in the original qualification, e.g. Master of Science, Kandidat nauk, Maîtrise, Diplom, etc. [1..*] N/A
issuing place Location The Location where the Tertiary Education Evidence was issued. [1..1] N/A
belongs to Student The Student that is the holder of the Tertiary Education Evidence. [1..1] N/A
obtained at Education Institution The Education Institution that educated the Student. [0..*] N/A
issuing authority Organisation The Organisation that issued the Tertiary Education Evidence. [1..*] N/A

Several columns will be needed to describe the model:

  • Attribute;
  • Expected type;
  • Definition;
  • Cardinality;
  • Code list;

Along with these elements, some input fields need to be provided:

  • Instance data - Actual data to be provided. For instance, the given name for Johann Sebastian Bach is “Johann Sebastian”
  • Mapping relation - e.g. exact match, no match, near match, etc. For further information on the definitions of these mappings
  • Mapping comment - Comments in case there is a remark, suggestion or issue with the mapping (data provider perspective)
  • Processing comment - Comments in case there is a remark, suggestion, issue with the processing, (data consumer perspective)

Step 23 Review the final data model

Review - formal assessment potentially leading to changes.

Key activities


Working Group members discuss and validate the OOTS data model for specific evidence types with the business, domain experts and share their questions and / or remarks, if any, with the editors via the relevant channel.

In parallel, the Editors collect and, again, categorise the feedback. For instance:

  • Editorial issue;
  • Minor issue;
  • Major issue.

This step is also important to come to a final agreement on cardinalities. To facilitate this, the Editors have the possibility of proposing editable tables. The sole purpose of the tables is for the Working Group members to indicate whether they are able to provide the attributes listed in the OOTS data model for specific evidence types. But also whether a specific attribute is needed to process the evidence.

The tables should be composed of the following columns:

  • Entity;
  • Attribute;
  • Description;
  • Cardinality;
  • Country abbreviation;
  • multiple columns allowing Working Group members to specify whether an Attribute can be provided (Y) or not (N));
  • multiple columns allowing Working Group members to specify whether an Attribute is needed (Y) or not (N));

It is important to note that the tables will not replace the collaborative tool selected. The latter will still be the main platform for designing and discussing. The tables provide a structured way to collect input on whether an attribute can be provided or not. In case further information is necessary to ascertain whether an attribute can be provided or not, the Working Group members must be redirected to the collaborative tool selected.

Ultimately, the Working Group members have to come to a semantic agreement with regards to the OOTS data model for specific evidence types reviewed. Unless there are major semantic changes, this step should be considered as a way for the Working Group members to formally approve the OOTS data model for specific evidence types

Rules and Guidelines Aspects to bear in mind while reviewing:
  • Data elements and entity names
  • Model appearance
  • Rules of normalisation
  • Definitions
  • Model flexibility

Questions to bear in mind while reviewing:

  • Do I agree with the proposed controlled vocabularies?
  • Do I agree with the proposed changes to the OOTS data model for specific evidence types?
  • Are the entities and attributes definitions clear enough?
  • Does the modelling approach make sense?
  • Do I agree with the proposed cardinalities (i.e. mandatory versus optional)
  • With data minimisation in mind, should some of the entities and or attributes be removed?
  • Will my country be able to provide all the mandatory information?
  • What information does my country need to process the evidence?
Example(s) 'Editable table' as described further above:
Birth Evidence
BirthEvidence.identifier [Link] [1..1] Υ Y Y Y Y Y
BirthEvidence.issuingDate [Link] [1..1] Υ Y Y Y Y Y
BirthEvidence.certifies [Link] [1..1] Υ Y Y Y Y Y
BirthEvidence.issuingAuthority [Link] [1..1] Υ Y Y Y Y Y

Step 24 Update the final model

Review - formal assessment potentially leading to changes.

Key activities

  • The Editors process any last feedback and finish the final model.

As the Working Group members have given feedback in the previous two steps, the Editors process these comments and make changes to the OOTS data model for specific evidence types as agreed with the Working Group members. From this point on, the Editors can only make changes that the Working Group members have agreed on by consensus. Since there is no longer a review period, all changes that are carried out during this step should have already been discussed with the Working Group members.

Rules and Guidelines
  • No change - not agreed upon by the Working Group - is made.
  • The change log is updated to reflect the final changes in order to achieve full transparency towards the Working Group.
  • Every element, e.g. attributes, needs to have a persistent identifier alongside labels that could be in different languages.

Phase 6: Create distributions and publish documentation


Quick links:

Step 25 Decide on the conformance requirements and develop a conformance statement

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities


A conformance statement declares a minimum set of requirements that an implementation must adhere to, in order to be considered conformant with the respective OOTS data model for specific evidence types. The Working Group members must agree on these conformance requirements. The Editors then include a conformance statement in the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

The OOTS data model for specific evidence types may have natural divisions, in which case it might be appropriate to set different conformance levels. For example, a model used to describe vehicles may have a group of terms related specifically to motor vehicles that could be used in an implementation that has no need to understand the terms that relate to bicycles. This will consequently lead to the establishment of different conformance levels.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Publish the conformance statement together with the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

Step 26 Create distributions

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors create the required distributions for the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.

The OOTS data model for specific evidence types can be expressed (or serialised) in various formats depending on the specific needs and context. Each distribution (format) will have its own uses and advantages, but also its own disadvantages and limitations.

Semantic data models can be expressed in different serialisation formats, such as TTL (RDF/turtle), RDF/XML, JSON-LD, SHACL, etc. Special care needs to be taken when using multiple formats, as conversion between different serialisation formats can potentially introduce inconsistencies.

Aside from these machine-readable formats, human-readable formats also need to be created. A visual representation of the entities, attributes and relationships of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types is always recommended to provide a clear overview. For example, this can be a UML-diagram, saved as a PNG-file. Alongside this, human-readable documentation is also required with all the necessary information to construct the OOTS data models for specific evidence types, i.e. the entities and attributes with their definitions, cardinalities, proposed codelists, etc. This can be distributed as an HTML-page and a PDF-document, for example.

All these distributions can be manually created or created automatically via one or multiple tools. If possible, preference should be given to the usage of an automated toolchain, reducing the risk of introducing inconsistencies during updates.

During this step, URIs are also created (or reused when possible) for the OOTS data model for specific evidence types itself, its entities and their attributes. These identifiers need to be minted and maintained by a (European Commission) service.

Rules and Guidelines
  • Create both machine-readable as well as human-readable distributions of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types.
  • Automate, if possible, the creation of the distributions as much as possible in order to avoid inconsistencies.
  • Use URIs under which allows as to flexibility for where the URIs resolve to.
  • UML diagrams can be published in machine-readable formats, e.g. XMI.
Tool(s) Example(s)

For instance, the Birth evidence was distributed in XML.

Step 27 Publish all documentation

Technical analysis - identification of technical requirements and related solutions.

Key activities

  • The Editors publish all documentation on the collaborative tool.

The Editors publish the final version of the OOTS data model for specific evidence types, in both machine-readable and human-readable formats, on the selected collaborative tool. The Editors must publish the OOTS data model for specific evidence types as open (meta)data and specify which license is applicable.

Tool(s) The collaborative tool, e.g. Confluence, Github. Ideally, a collaborative tool allowing public access is more appropriate for transparency reasons.


The quality aspect is addressed at three different levels:

data models

This is ensured by using the proposed methodology, which is based on the existing SEMIC methodology. In addition, we build as much as possible on existing resources, like the ISA² Core Vocabularies, the Public/eJustice documents, EUCARIS, EU Vocabularies of the Publications Office etc., taking into account the feedback and suggestions of the member states, building consensus and delivering detailed documentation.

instance data

[the actual evidences to be exchanged] in terms of correctness of the XML data with respect to the data models: this can be supported by tools like the Interoperability testbed and can be included as a post-development step after phase 7 (finalisation) of the methodology.

source of data

This is ensured by the requirement that all data comes from authoritative sources. Member States are responsible for identifying and connecting the relevant authorities to the system.

Review cycles and consensus

The process by which semantic agreements can be reached among working group members in a consensus-building activity.


Consensus is a generally accepted opinion or general agreement among a group of people.

Consensus is the heart of the process to develop OOTS data models for specific evidence types. It aims at developing a collective output, which is the reflection of the greatest possible number of views.

Indeed, consensus involves looking for solutions that are acceptable to all. When everyone agrees with a decision, they are more likely to implement it and, in our case, ultimately use the common data models being built. Consensus is built through iterations, called review cycles.

In the process defined, consensus takes the form of proposals shared, valued and debated to work towards semantic agreement. Semantic agreements aim to meet everyone's most important needs and find a balance between what different Working Group members want, while bearing in mind data minimisation and data sensitivity.

Transparency and record keeping are important aspects of achieving consensus. Therefore, all proposals must be debated and documented.

Once a proposal has been dealt with, stakeholders are informed of the group’s decision and reasoning. However, there may be times when consensus cannot be reached on an issue or on a comment received. In such cases, one possible course of action is to seek external guidance.

Review cycle

A review cycle occurs when a (working) draft model is shared with the Working Group so that the members can provide comments and proposals for change. It is during this activity that the consensus is built.

All stakeholders should bear in mind that it is important to always ensure that the broadest possible consensus is achieved when a review cycle is carried out. Once reviewed, proposals are categorised and addressed, leading to a new version of the (working) draft model.


This page describes the stakeholders identified in the process of developing data models along with their rolesand responsibilities.

Roles and responsibilities

This section describes the stakeholders identified in the process of developing data models along with their roles and responsibilities.

The shared goal of developing a set of OOTS data models for specific evidence types [...] that best serves the interests of the SDG regulation and the Member States (MS) is broken down into different phases. These different phases are executed by distinct groups, which are described below.


Final decision maker regarding the results of development of the data models in cases where no consensus could be reached.

In the context of the SDG Work Package 4, the European Commission is taking this role.

Working Group members

The Working Group members contribute to the different deliverables and help others to meet the incremental goals and deadlines mutually agreed upon upfront. Working Group members will be responsible for achieving consensus.

Ideally, knowledge of the SDG is required and semantic awareness is recommended.

In addition to the core activities - defining data models - it is important for the Working Group to understand the wider context, i.e. how the output of this methodology will fit the technical aspect of the SDG OOP. For example, they must be aware of how the data models are going to be used in the exchange of information. This requires IT knowledge, which competency could be included as a responsibility of the Editors or by including an IT representative of the SDG OOP in all relevant activities of the methodology.

In the context of the SDG Work Package 4, the Working Group is composed of representatives of the Member States. Representatives attend the webinars and coordinate the work at the national level. It was recommended to have not only people with “semantic awareness” but also data modellers and data stewards.

Domain experts

The domain experts can be divided per domain or evidence type (e.g. vital records, vehicles, etc.). They are the people who have the business experience specific to a certain domain. They know how the evidence is used, for which procedures, by whom and, most importantly, the information described within each type of evidence. Domain experts should be reachable and available throughout the development of the data model.

In the context of the SDG Work Package 4, one expert per domain should ideally be reachable by the representatives of Member States composing the Working Group. Alternatively, a pool of 2-5 experts per domain would be enough to provide the expected input with the Working Group ensuring that all the Member States have the possibility to monitor the quality of the work and the models proposed.


The Editors lead the drafting of the deliverables and specification (i.e. data model) by integrating and consolidating the input received from the Working Group. Specifically, the role of the Editors is threefold:

  • To create a formal specification which is in line with the best practices in regards to data modeling and data standards reuse.
  • To motivate and explain how every information request being discussed is either adopted in the formal specification, or not.
  • To initiate the consensus making process around discussion topics.
In the context of SDG Work Package 4, the editors are external to the European Commission and the Working Group. They are responsible for doing the groundwork, collecting and aggregating the input.


The moderator works with the rapporteur to ensure that the objectives, deliverables and deadlines of the Work Package are well defined and followed-up. The moderator communicates with other Work Packages to ensure alignment.

In the context of SDG Work Package 4, the moderator is an official of the Commission, who is in contact with other work packages as well as the directing bodies.


The rapporteur collects input from the Working Group, ensures that the Working Group is on schedule regarding the deadline of each deliverable in collaboration with the moderator. In addition, both the moderator and rapporteur communicate with other Work Packages to ensure alignment. The rapporteur is drawn from the Working Group.

In the context of SDG Work Package 4, the rapporteur is a member of the Working Group. At the outset, Working Members were given the possibility to take up the role of rapporteur.


This pages contains the definitions (and illustrations) of the different concepts and terms used throughout the repository.


Application profile

A data model defining which entities and attributes to use, what the cardinalities of the attributes are and recommendations for core vocabularies to be used, in order to support a particular application or use case(s).


A characteristic of an entity in a particular dimension such as the weight of an object, the name of an organisation or the date and time that an observation was made, often representing things or events in the real world.

Controlled vocabulary

A controlled vocabulary is an authoritative list of terms to be used in indexing. Controlled vocabularies do not necessarily have any structure or relationship between terms within the list.

Data model

A data model is an abstract model that organises elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another. It specifies the entities, their attributes and the relationships between entities.


A 'thing', such as a vessel, a geographic location, a sensor, a map or something more abstract like an incident, an event or an observation.


An evidence means any document or data, including text or sound, visual or audiovisual recording, irrespective of the medium used, required by a competent authority to prove facts or compliance with procedural requirements


Set of administrative formalities or steps to be followed in order to carry out a request.


Life events Procedures Expected output subject to an assessment of the application by the competent authority in accordance with national law, where relevant
Birth Requesting proof of registration of birth Proof of registration of birth or birth certificate
Residence Requesting proof of residence Confirmation of registration at the current address


A link between two concepts; examples are the link between an observation and the sensor that produced it, the link between a document and the organisation that published it, or the link between a map and the geographic region it depicts.

Semantic agreement

A specification of a data model and entities for which stakeholders reached consensus.


A set of concepts and relationships (also referred to as “terms”) used to describe and represent an area of concern.

  • No labels