Version Q4 2022

Main chapters

Change log

The following table summarizes the changes compared to the Q3 release (October 2022).

Chapter / Location 

Area / kind of change


Location (Chapter, Section)

High Level ArchitectureMinor variousClarified that offering preview links is no hard indication that evidences will be available1.3.3

Added Preview Area to list of core elements1.3.4

Clarified that OPP details are implementation dependent. 1.4.2

Clarify that identity information in the first loop may not be sufficient for record matching and that matching is not simple string matching.5.2

Added XSLT or other presentation information to SR section.6.4

Added reference to IA articles for DSD and EB LCM6.5

Identity attributes are not just user, may also be of represented person7.5

Clarified that eDelivery logs do not include evidence payload content9.2

Clarified that the sample flow is non-normative10.1

Fixed an incorrect cross-reference between steps in the procedure10.1
User identification and authenticationEditorial
  • Clarification on the eID notified requirement on Evidence Requester side and the cases in which re-authentication is needed on the side of the Data Service.
  • Explanation to reflect the restructuring of the entire chapter.

EditorialRenamed chapter to "Evidence requesters - user authentication and use of eIDAS"2.2

  • Clarification on the cross-border eIDAS flow
  • Changed the picture with the attributes to clarify the additional attributes
  • Clarification regarding the “available sector specific attributes”

Renamed chapter to "Evidence providers - identity and evidence matching"2.3

  • Clarification on when the use of notified eIDAS eID scheme is a mandatory requirement
  • Clarification for the case when the eIDAS notified eID scheme is issued by the Member State of the Online Procedure Portal

EditorialRenamed to "Re-authentication by the evidence provider"2.3.2

ClarificationClarification regarding the case when re-authentication is needed2.3.2
Common ServicesEditorialSplit large pages 3.2 and 3.3 into several sub-pages




Use of rim:RegistryObject for associations instead of rim:Classification in LCM examples of the EB and DSD

Also fixed definition of sourceObject and targetObject

CorrectionCardinality of Procedure Title and ReferebceFramework Title element fixed to 1..n

EditorialRule reference for ReferenceFramework added for EB

EditorialImproved spelling3.

CorrectionChanged data type of Name from Code to Text3.

Editorial API section formating of titles 3.6

SemanticsUpdated content of the Semantic Repository chapter3.3


Following review by the Security sub-group, a new separate section is added on network and transport layer security. 

  • Introduces DNSSEC
  • Further elaboration on TLS, content derived from draft future eDelivery AS4 specification. 
3.7 (new)

Existing DSD TLS section and EB TLS section now refer to the new 3.7

Added note that trust model for common services response signature and any constraints on certificates are not yet provided.

Business RulesContent related business rules updated






CodelistsCode list section updated 3.5
Evidence ExchangeCorrectionRemoved a process flow diagram that used a feature from a previous architecture that we dropped.4.4

CorrectionChanged the sample Exception to a timeout exception. Previously, it used ObjectNotFoundException but that is intended for updates, not queries.4.5.3

EditorialPut back the heading numbering 4.7

CorrectionIntroduction states that Preview Areas are on Evidence Requester side. They are instead on Evidence Provider side.4.8.1

CorrectionCorrected a reference to evidence request logging, the article number is 17 instead of


In eDelivery configuration, added a reference to the new 3.7

Also added a note on Certification Authorities for eDelivery (response to a comment of the security sub-group)


ManagementAdded a note to eIDAS dashboard or similar secure configuration sharing services (response to a comment of the security sub-group).4.7

Business RulesContent related business rules updated



CorrectionUpdated Distribution class: Removing Packaging Format and Compression Format and adding Transformation4.5.2

InformativeNew section 4.10 on evidence flow variations4.10
Related ArtifactsDocumentationAdded README files and rearranged some of the filesGIT

Generated complete documentation for the SDG and other XML schemasGIT

Improved and re-arranged the diagrams and their storageGIT

Code listsCodelists added in spreadsheet (Version 0.60 - Release Q4 - 2022-12) and Genericode formatsGIT

SchemaFixed cardinality of some multilingual text valued elementsGIT

SchemaUpdated Distribution class in XSD. Removing Packaging Format and Compression Format and adding TransformationGIT

SchemaChange of maxOccurs of JurisdictionContextId from unbounded to 1GIT

Business RulesRevised Content Related Business Rules added for Version 0.80 - Release Q4 - 2022-12 (spreadsheet)GIT
  • No labels