
European Commission Digital

CEF Digital 2018 in Action - BRIS eDelivery Pilots with the Member States

During two three-day interactive sessions, running over Monday 30 November – Friday 11 December, representatives from 7 EU Member States were in Brussels participating in BRIS piloting workshops, organised by the European Commission.

The workshops represented an opportunity for participating EU Member States to discuss integration issues faced at national level, and work with technical experts from the Commission at finding the most appropriate solutions.

So what are the Member States trying to solve and how are they trying to solve it? 

Efficient cross-border cooperation between the European business registers is essential for a smooth functioning of the Single Market within the EU. The Business Registers Interconnection System (BRIS) will include a European Central Platform interconnecting the EU business registers in order to facilitate cross-border public legal information on companies operating within the EU (see Directive 2012/17EU). By its very nature, BRIS requires the exchange of electronic data and documents with other public administrations, businesses and citizens, in an interoperable, secure, reliable and trusted way. In turn, CEF eDelivery helps public administrations exchange electronic data and documents with other public administrations, businesses and citizens, in an interoperable, secure, reliable and trusted way.

Once up and running, BRIS will serve to ensure a more stable business environment and will increase legal clarity by ensuring public data on businesses is up-to-date and respects the correct standards. The roll-out and re-use of CEF eDelivery also offers significant benefits to public administrations and service providers by supporting secure cross-border information exchange.

However, different national contexts mean that the adoption of BRIS, and the implementation of the CEF eDelivery solution, should suit these specific needs. An interactive workshop environment therefore allowed for an exchange of views and implement CEF eDelivery and conduct an exchange of BRIS messages, allowing the Member States and the European Commission to progress towards developing and promoting the most effective and relevant solutions.

Future workshops will be planned for 2016.