
European Commission Digital

Q1 2019:  New figures published on the CEF Dashboard


The latest quarterly figures for the CEF Digital Service Infrastructure (DSIs), including Building Blocks, show that their adoption continued to increase in Q1 2019. You can consult these figures directly on the CEF Dashboard.

Below you can find highlights of the latest figures broken down into high, medium and low levels of reuse.

Examples of very high uptake and/or reuse trends

  • +500% in projects reusing CEF Context Broker with Italy and Austria representing new Member States;
  • Increase in CEF Context Broker trainings;
  • Increase in EESSI Implementations: +40% (more than three times amount of documents exchanged).

Examples of medium uptake and/or reus trends

  • eSignature: +47.5% conformance tests (steep growth since 2018 Q2);
  • eSignature: +50.3% Trusted list conformance tests (steep growth since 2018 Q3),
  • eTranslation: +69.7% translations performed by the eTranslation service;
  • Public Open Data: +33% software downloads.

Examples of slightly lower uptake and/or reuse trends

  • Pre-notified eID Schemes: 2 Member States in 2017 Q4 and 17 in 2019 Q1;
  • Peer Reviewed eID Schemes: +66.7% Steep growth since 2018 Q2;
  • Notified eID Schemes: +14.3% Slow down in the growth of the previous quarter;
  • CEF Big Data Test Infrastructure: +29.4% (projects making use of BDTI service).

The European Commission updates the CEF Dashboard on a quarterly basis with new data and features to improve the visibility on the progress made by the DSIs and to enhance transparency.

To find out more visit the Monitoring Dashboard, the Reuse and CEF Digital.