
European Commission Digital

CEF Reuse Matrix: A New Design for a Deeper Understanding of the Reuse Status of Each Building Block

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) reuse matrix monitors the status of projects involved in the reuse journey of each Building Block.

The European Commission has recently developed an additional view of the reuse matrix to complement the existing matrix and provide stakeholders with a snapshot on the reuse status of each Building Block.

Through the Digital Single Market initiative, the EU is ensuring that the digital transformation is an opportunity for European citizens, businesses and Member States. The Building Blocks – eDelivery, eID, eSignature, eInvoicing and eTranslation – make it easier to interconnect complex digital services and IT systems across Europe, creating a Digital Single Market. 

 A few notable adaptations have been made in order to grasp the key elements of the reuse analysis in a simple matrix.

Firstly, the matrix only lists the projects that have taken a first step towards the potential reuse of a Building Block. The matrix provides no information on Building Blocks for projects that have not committed to start analysing their potential reuse. This considerably reduces the amount of information displayed and provides stakeholders with a clear overview of reuse status.

Secondly, the name of each project is directly integrated in the matrix under the corresponding Building Block. This aims at grouping essential information and place it where it could best serve the reader’s understanding.

Finally, the chosen visual design ensures an optimal readability, by having icons depicting each building block, separating them in columns and matching font colours with background colours.

The table below shows the status of the CEF Projects involved in the reuse journey of each Building Block. Reuse is monitored following the reuse journey, from commitment to analysis to implementation and reuse of the building block.

Source: Data provided by the DSIs and the Work Programme.

 To find out more about the reuse and take-up of CEF DSI and the building blocks, visit the Monitoring Dashboard, the Reuse Watch and CEF Digital 2018.