
European Commission Digital

CEF eID Presented at TREATS Workshop in Berlin, Germany

European Commission, 2017

On 8 June 2017, the European Commission presented CEF eID in the context of the eIDAS Regulation at the TREATS (Trans-European AuThentication Services) Project Workshop in Berlin, Germany.

The Hochschule Harz, University of Applied Studies and Research based in Wernigerode (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany), organised the event including presentations by all members of the TREATS consortium aimed at government, industry and research. The workshop was held at the Permanent Representation of the federal State of Sachsen-Anhalt in Berlin.

The workshop provided an overview of milestones achieved and future activities planned for the project. In addition, participants were informed about electronic identification (eID) infrastructure in Germany, as well as at European level.

To support the Digital Single Market, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme is funding a set of generic and reusable Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI), also known as building blocks. The CEF building blocks offer basic capabilities that can be reused in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders and sectors.

The CEF eID building block is a set of services (including software, documentation, training and support) provided by the European Commission and endorsed by the Member States, which helps public administrations and private Service Providers to extend the use of their online services to citizens from other European countries. This is realised through the mutual recognition of national eID schemes (including smartcards, mobile and log-in), allowing citizens of one European country to use their national eIDs to securely access online services provided in other European countries. The mutual recognition of eID schemes across Europe is mandated by the eIDAS Regulation (on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market).

To see how CEF eID is Connecting Europe visit CEF Digital 2018 now.