
European Commission Digital

Grant Funding for CEF eDelivery Now Available

European Commission, 2018

Don't miss the 2018-2, 2018-3 and 2018-5 CEF Telecom calls Virtual Info Day Thursday, 17. May 2018- 10:00

Supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the call for proposals (CEF-TC-2018-2) provides grant funding of up to € 0.5 million to support the adoption of CEF eDelivery in your organisation. CEF funding covers up to 75% of the costs of implementation. The deadline for applications is 18 September 2018.

The secure transfer of data is a fundamental aspect of the digital economy. Any EU policy domain (justice, procurement, consumer protection, etc.) requires secure, reliable, cross-border and cross-sector exchange of documents and data (weather structured, non-structured and/or binary).

CEF eDelivery is a network of nodes for digital communications. CEF eDelivery is based on a distributed model called the “4-corner model”. In this model, the back-end systems of the users don’t exchange data directly with each other but do this through Access Points. These Access Points are conformant to the same technical specifications and therefore capable of communicating with each other.

In addition, CEF eDelivery is aligned with provisions set by eIDAS Regulation concerning Electronic Registered Delivery Services (ERDS). The eIDAS Regulation provides a predictable regulatory environment  to enable  secure  and  seamless  electronic  interactions  between  businesses, citizens  and  public  authorities  across  borders

Below you will find some key information needed to submit a grant proposal. However, you will need to read thoroughly the Call Text and supporting documentation, which outlines the objectives of the grant funding and how to apply, before submission. The Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) provides the call text and supporting information on grants. INEA is responsible for organising CEF calls for proposals.

To promote the uptake and speed up the use of the eDelivery technical specifications amongst both  public and  private entities established in the  EU and participating EEA countries, actions with the following objectives will be financed:

  • Deploying access points and, possibly, operating those access points for one year;
  • Deploying   Service   Metadata   Publishers   and,   possibly,   operating   those   Service Metadata Publishers for one year;
  • Upgrading data exchange solutions (such as Commercial Off-the-Shelf -COTS, Open-Source  Software –OSS,  and  other)  to support,  and  duly  comply  with,  the  CEF eDelivery standards;

CEF grant funding also supports the integration of CEF eDelivery in a number of other Building Blocks and Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI). Consult the 2018 Work Programme for details.

Interested in applying? Be sure to check you fulfil the necessary submission criteria (as defined in the 2018 Work Programme and Article 9 of the CEF Regulation):

  • The proposal must include the agreement of the concerned Member State(s);
  • The  composition  of  the  proposing  consortium  complies  with  the  requirements  set  out  in the 2018 Work Programme and call text;
  • The proposal is submitted by legal persons as referred to in section 4.3.1 of the 2018 Work Programme

The  proposals  will  be  evaluated  on  the  basis  of  three  criteria: ‘Relevance’, ‘Quality and efficiency of the implementation’ and ‘Impact’.

The timetable for this call for proposals is as follows:

Date of publication of call for proposals

3 May 2018

Deadline for the submission of proposals

18 September 2018 (17:00.00 Brussels time)

Evaluation of proposals

October-December 2018 (indicative)

Consultation of the CEF Committee

January 2019 (indicative)

Adoption of the Selection Decision

January 2019 (indicative)

Preparation and signature of grant agreements

between January and June 2019 (indicative)

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