
European Commission Digital

eInvoicing Ireland and CEF Digital Implementation Workshop

In March 2019, eInvoicing Ireland and CEF Digital Implementation Workshop provided detailed information on the European standard on eInvoicing in Directive 2014/55/EU

An eInvoice is an invoice issued, transmitted and received in a structured data format that allows for its automatic and electronic processing. Businesses and public administrations throughout Europe benefit from the adoption of eInvoicing in terms of both reduced costs and environmental impact. The European standard on eInvoicing reduces the number of standards and specifications limiting market opportunities for suppliers and contractors and ultimately impeding Europe’s Single Market.

Building the eInvoicing community in Ireland among the public sector bodies really started in earnest following the eInvoicing Ireland and CEF Digital event in 2018. Last month’s event attracted over 210 delegates representing public sector bodies.

The workshop proved timely ahead of the 18 April 2019 legal deadline for the transposition of the Directive into national law and implementation of the European standard (by authorities at central level).  The workshop’s hosts, eInvoicing Ireland, particularly welcomed the opportunity to bring the relevant people across the public sector together in a single workshop and provide them with all the information they need to implement eInvoicing, forming an invaluable part of the national approach to facilitating eInvoicing implementation in Ireland.

The Commission will continue to provide such workshops, trainings or webinars to interested Member States until 2020, promoting the uptake of eInvoicing, the European standard and other relevant CEF Building Blocks.

The implementation workshops are provided in English and are offered on-site or remotely (online). The contents can be tailored to your specific needs, with a duration ranging from half a day to two days. Please note that the workshops are available at no cost but on a first-come first-served basis. The host country to facilitate logistics (including provision of facilities) and to identify and invite participants from both private and public sector.