
European Commission Digital

Call for reviewers: eArchiving specifications, procedures, and guidelines

laptop on a desk flanked by book stacks

 The Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standards Board (DILCIS Board) is seeking reviewers for eArchiving specifications and guidelines in the area of geodata.

 Created by the E-ARK project, these specifications are a core component of the CEF eArchiving Building Block.

eArchiving aims to provide the core specifications, software, training, and knowledge to help data creators, software developers, and digital archives tackle the challenge of short, medium, and long-term data management and reuse in a sustainable, authentic, cost-efficient, manageable, and interoperable way.

What you need to know

The specifications and documents for review will be released in five groups over 2020-2021. The fifth group of documents available for review are:

  • Documents

Please provide feedback through the DILCIS Board website review page. All of the specifications, procedures and guidelines are listed, with a short description, a link to the full document, and a set of questions to answer. The review will close on 18 July 2021.

 If you have any queries regarding the review process please contact the DILCIS Board:

The eArchiving Building Block and its services are offered at no cost to projects and organisations wishing to ensure secure, long-term data preservation. Visit the CEF Digital platform to learn more.