
European Commission Digital

Update to CEF-managed eInvoicing code lists

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The European Commission has made several updates to the code lists managed under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

The CEF eInvoicing Building Block serves as the managing authority for the VAT exemption reason code lit (VATEX) and Electronic Address Scheme (EAS) code lists in the European standard on eInvoicing (EN16931).

We have added one new code to the Electronic Address Scheme code list, namely new code ICD 0194. All codes listed in the VATEX code list are now available in upper case.

For the full listing of the code lists as used in European standard, five items have been added:

  • ISO 3166-1 → Country Codes → Added XK as temporary code for Kosovo
  • ISO/IEC 6523 → Identifier scheme code → Added Identifier scheme name for code 0194
  • UNTDID 4451 →Text subject qualifier → Added codes BAS and BAR
  • UNTDID 4461 → Payment means → Added code 69
  • CEF EAS → Electronic address scheme identifier → Added code 0194

You can access the updated code lists via the CEF Digital platform.

CEF eInvoicing

The European Commission supports public administrations comply with Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement with the CEF eInvoicing Building Block.

The Directive mandated the creation of a European standard on eInvoicing. The European standard makes it possible for sellers to send invoices to many customers by using a single eInvoicing format. This means they do not have to adjust their sending and/or receiving to connect with individual trading parties.

CEF eInvoicing makes the following services available: