
European Commission Digital

CEF eArchiving: New dates and topics for 2020 webinar series announced

The European Commission is happy to announce the dates, topics of the next wave of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eArchiving webinars.

In the first half of 2020, the CEF eArchiving webinar series provided insightful, comprehensive and interactive sessions where stakeholders discussed various aspects of secure, long-term data preservation with experts in the field. This upcoming series offers the same experience for those interested in data base archiving, information package validation and the E-ARK web user interface guide.

Participants will also learn about the CEF eArchiving Building Block more generally. This Building Block provides specifications, reference software, training and service desk support for digital archiving and preservation.

In Q3 and 4 2020, you have the chance to learn about and discuss the following topics:

Webinar #6: DBPTK – an eArchiving solution for database archiving - 24 September 2020

  • Awareness of the issues when preserving databases and overarching information systems
  • Discover the different preservation strategies that apply to databases and the pros and cons of each
  • Learn about the migration to the SIARD standard for relational database archiving
  • Acquaint yourself with the DBPTK set of tools, including their features and uses
  • Find out about database preservation case studies
  • Understand how to apply the tools to their own use cases

Webinar #7: Introduction to compliance and validation - 29 October 2020

  • Learn about the role that E-ARK information package validation plays in the digital archiving life-cycle
  • Understand the E-ARK three-stage validation process for information packages
  • Discover the capabilities of E-ARK validation software
  • Follow along a guided tour of the E-ARK online validation demonstrator
  • Learn how to use the online validator to discover and fix issues in information packages
  • Learn how to use the E-ARK validation tools on your organisation

Webinar #8: The E-ARK web user interface guide  - 26 November 2020

  • Discover the implementation of E-ARK standards in E-ARK Web (CSIP, SIP and AIP)
  • Find out the purpose and use of metadata included in E-ARK information packages (METS, PREMIS and EAD)
  • Learn about the main features of the E-ARK Web reference implementation
  • Become acquainted with other advanced topics including:
    • Architecture for scalable information package processing
    • Incremental archiving (delta-AIPs)

Grant funding

The Commission is also providing €1 million in CEF grant funding. This funding is available to co-fund projects deploying the CEF eArchiving building block. This funding will focus on domains that need digital preservation services and tools other than national archives, such as digital libraries, justice, finance, environment etc. It will also aim to stimulate the integration of eArchiving tools and services with other CEF building blocks and other digital service infrastructures that can benefit from them.