WELCOME to the eIDAS for SMEs Community

The dedicated space for SMEs with an interest in reusing eID and trust services.

A set of online resources has been developed to help businesses in Europe understand the benefits of eID and trust services and to assist them in the implementation of these solutions into their daily operations. SME leaders, business organisations and service providers are invited to test, learn and discuss the latest developments and emerging opportunities of electronic identity (eID) and trust services. 

  • VISIT the eIDAS for SMEs web page for an introduction to the eIDAS Regulation and how it will affect your business, including a short video,  quickstart guidebook and a checklist.
  • DISCOVER how your business can implement eID and trust service solutions through sector-specific information for the transport, online retail, professional services and financial services sectors.
  • LEARN more about the different aspects of the eIDAS regulation, the different services available and how they can benefit your business through our knowledge and learning material including a webinar programme and additional course material. All webinars are recorded and are available online.
  • TEST eIDAS solutions in a simulated environment through our interactive tool using real life use cases.
  • DISCUSS eIDAS-related issues with other organisations and like-minded businesses in the eIDAS Observatory.

Please join our forum of discussion:

Latest Blog posts

Information Campaign and Webinars on eIDAS Tool Kit Developed to Foster Speedy Adoption by SMEs  For all businesses, and for SMEs especially, fast, efficient and administratively not burdensome business transactions are a dream to strive for. A dream that thanks to the European Union’s eIDAS Regulation[1]  is now becoming a reality for European SMEs. The eIDAS Regulation took full effect in its entirety in September 2018.…
26th of November 2018 | 10:00 – 16:00 | European Commission – Berlaymont Building Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 (Brussels) Room: Jean Rey As part of the European Commission’s ongoing study to support the uptake of eID and trust services among SMEs (“eIDAS4SMES https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/eidas-smes”), a one-day conference is organised to present the results of the study, gather feedback and discuss actions for the future.  In the morning, a panel of experts from the legal, fintech,…
The benefits of eID for your cross-border business operations    Since the 29th of September 2018, the mandatory cross-border recognition of notified eID under the eIDAS Regulation https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.L_.2014.257.01.0073.01.ENG is in force, but what does this exactly mean for businesses in Europe?   Back to basics: What is electronic Identification (eID)?…
The full coming into force of the eIDAS Regulation https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.L_.2014.257.01.0073.01.ENG in September 2018 has created one single framework for electronic Identification (eID) and trust services making it more straightforward to deliver business services across the 28 countries in the EU. However, what are trust services and how can they benefit your cross-border business operations?…

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Contact us at CEF-EID-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu

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