26th of November 2018 | 10:00 – 16:00 |

European Commission – Berlaymont Building

Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 (Brussels)

Room: Jean Rey

As part of the European Commission’s ongoing study to support the uptake of eID and trust services among SMEs (“eIDAS4SMES”), a one-day conference is organised to present the results of the study, gather feedback and discuss actions for the future. 

In the morning, a panel of experts from the legal, fintech, transport and ecommerce sector will discuss the needs of SMEs to foster the uptake of eID and trust services in their day to day operations. In the afternoon, breakout sessions will test the tools and materials that have been developed and collect feedback. Attendees will also help to brainstorm ideas and actions that could be taken at the EU level to enhance the adoption of eID and trust services among SMEs.

Do you want to attend this event?

Register now: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/registration_eIDAS4SMEs

Who will be interested in attending?

This workshop is open to business representations, such as SME associations, industry associations, chambers of commerce, sectorial business associations, technology district associations as well as SMEs. Members of the eIDAS ecosystems that are interested in understanding the needs of SMEs with regards to eID and trust services solutions are welcomed. We also encourage members of the civil society such as consumer associations and NGOs active on civil liberties, fundamental rights or the protection of privacy to attend this workshop.

What will my organisation get out of the workshop?

By attending this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand how SMEs from different sectors can leverage eID and trust services in their day-to-day business operations.
  • Discover and test the tools that have been developed to support SMEs as part of the pilot programme
  • Contribute to recommendations that could be taken at EU level to enhance the adoption of eID and trust services amongst SMEs.

SMEs and the eIDAS Regulation

The full coming into force of the eIDAS Regulation in September 2018 has created one single framework for electronic Identification (eID) and trust services making it more straightforward to deliver business services across the 28 countries in the EU.

SMEs can leverage electronic identification and trust services (eSignature, eSeals, eTimestamps, eDelivery, and Website authentication certificates) to cut administrative red tape, save time, reduce costs due to enhance efficiency, explore new markets and offer safer services. Furthermore, all of these benefits contribute to a better online experience for SMEs and their customers.

For more information on eID and trust Services

Visit the eIDAS for SMEs web pages on the Digital Single Market website where you will find a set of materials including infographics, sector-specific use cases, an interactive tool and a series of cutting-edge, exploratory webinars.