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eIDAS Dashboard

About the service

The eIDAS Dashboard unifies and centralizes the Digital Europe eSignature building block tools and information related to the eIDAS trust services backbone, for the purpose of augmenting existing features and gradually implementing new initiatives into a continuous improvement approach.


The eIDAS Dashboard gathers different Digital Europe eSignature building block tools and comprises of the:

1. Homepage and Discover page, proposing a useful FAQ on eSignature and the eIDAS trust services framework;
2. Administration portal, currently used for managing the users and their access rights;
3. Notification tool, providing a user-friendly browsing of some of the eIDAS lists, facilitating their notification to the European Commission and automating their publication;
4. TL Quality Indicators, enabling the measurement of the evolution and the quality of trusted lists;
5. Migrated version of Trusted List Browser;
6. Migrated version of eSignature validation test cases.

Who can use the service?

The Digital Europe eSignature eIDAS Dashboard service is intended for the following type of users:

  • Representative of Member States mandated to notify eIDAS information (also known as “notifiers”). This information includes National Accreditation Bodies (NABs) and the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) they accredit, Qualified electronic Signature/Seal Creation Devices (QSCDs), bodies designated to certify these devices, and Article 30.3(b) and 39.2 alternative processes.
  • General public interested in the information present in the Member States' trusted lists (TL), in the European Commission's list of the trusted lists (LOTL), and the aforementioned notified information.
  • Notification verifiers and publishers that verify and publish the aforementioned notified information.
  • TL quality supervisors that monitor the global TLs quality (or “health status”).

Benefits of using the service

The Digital Europe eSignature eIDAS Dashboard delivers the following benefits to its users:

  • Provide tailored access with single point of entry;
  • Boost user experience and eSignature adoption, thanks to:
    • Unified look-and-feel (eUI) and an intuitive interface, presenting human-readable information on trust service providers, TL, LOTL, CABs, NABs, QSCDs,…
    • FAQ and homepage guiding the user through the tools and boosting the awareness of eIDAS.
  • Ensure consistent information among tools.
  • Centralize user administration and system configuration.
  • Provide sound and evolutive framework for future tools.
