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European Commission Digital

SML - v3.1

This page collects the resources for Service Metadata Locator version 3.1, released in July 2017.

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The Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT) is happy to announce the upgrade of the sample implementation of the SML software in order to fully support the CEF eDelivery SML specification. In version 3.1, as in version 3.0.1 the SML will also provide support for the e-SENS BDXL profile, as well as the PEPPOL SML specification. As the PEPPOL SML specification continues to be supported, current users of the SML software shouldn't suffer of any disruption of service. For each existing participant, an additional NAPTR record will be created. The SML managed service offered by DIGIT uses this sample implementation and therefore benefits from its features.

This version of the SML sample implementation is also known as Business Document Metadata Service Location application (BDMSL). It is released with additional documentation which can be found below.

The SML 3.1 latest release includes following major additions compare to release 3.0.1:

  • Added detection of data inconsistency between database and DNS in the SML.
  • Fixed for changing a Non RootCA certificate.
  • Improve certificate validation messages.
  • Fixed malformed logical address while creating new smp.
  • Improve data model for domains.
  • Fixed for creating NAPTR records with HTTPS.
  • Fixed authentication issues related to HTTPS - Non root X509 certificates
  • Added flag to configure NAPTR protocol HTTP or HTTPS
  • Added participant id regular expression validation
  • Added configuration flag to disable/enable BlueCoat Authentication with header Client-Cert
  • Added configuration flag to validate SMP logical address protocol.
  • Improved response while special characters in the request.

Migration from 3.0.1 to 3.1

The migration will be applied automatically at server restart after the 3.1 war file has been deployed.

After the execution of the liquibase script for the database apply the followings:

  • Switch the new property authentication.bluecoat.enabled in the table BDMSL_CONFIGURATION  to true if the SML must manage BlueCoat authentication.
  • Create the following property for each existing subdomain from the table BDMSL_SUBDOMAIN like subdomain.validation.smpLogicalAddressProtocolRestriction.sampleSubDomain in the table BDMSL_CONFIGURATION where sampleSubDomain is the subdomain name. The value of the property can be all, http or https.
  • Create the following property for each existing subdomain from the table BDMSL_SUBDOMAIN like subdomain.validation.participantIdRegex.sampleSubDomain in table BDMSL_CONFIGURATION where sampleSubDomain is the subdomain name. The value of this property must be populated with a regular expression to define the syntax of accepted subdomain names in addition to ISO 15459 constraints governing these identifiers. By default, the regular expression ^.*$ may be used. It accepts any sequence of characters and therefore adds no restriction.

  • Configure properties dataInconsistencyAnalyzer.senderEmail and dataInconsistencyAnalyzer.recipientEmail for sending and receiving Data Inconsistency reports with appropriate email addresses.

  • Create the following property for each existing subdomain from the table BDMSL_SUBDOMAIN like dnsClient.domain.sampleSubDomain in table BDMSL_CONFIGURATION where sampleSubDomain   is the domain name. The value of the property must be the domain.
  • Restart the server(s).

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail:


Interface Control Document of SML (pdf)
This document covers the service interface of the CEF eDelivery SML sample implementation. It includes information regarding the description of the services available, the list of use cases, the information model and the sequence of message exchanges for the services provided.
SML Software Architecture Document (pdf)
This document is the Software Architecture document of the CEF eDelivery SML sample implementation. It intends to provide detailed information about the project: an overview of the solution, the different layers, the principles governing its software architecture
Quick start guide (pdf)
This document provides a brief description of the installation of the SML sample implementation component on a Tomcat/MySQL environment
Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence

Release note

Improvements and new features

  • EDELIVERY-2405 Data Inconsistency Report update
  • EDELIVERY-1894 SML | HTTPS interface might not work correctly for non root certificates
  • EDELIVERY-1403 NAPTR should have https:// instead of http://
  • EDELIVERY-1250 Split the verification of the supported codes per domain
  • EDELIVERY-2095 SML,SML Client | - Replace SimpleDateFormat by Calendar
  • EDELIVERY-2154 Operation Create SMP must apply some rules according to Root CA and Non Root CA specification
  • EDELIVERY-1777 Support the CEF PKI certificates in the SML
  • EDELIVERY-1682 Include the detection of data inconsistency tool in the SML
  • EDELIVERY-2169 UnsecureAuthentication subject and Issuer must be updated
  • EDELIVERY-1954 Data model improvements related to domains and certificates
  • EDELIVERY-1648 Update detection of data inconsistency tool according to Multiple Domains
  • EDELIVERY-2184 Create participant operation refectoring
  • EDELIVERY-2208 SML NAPTR creation for HTTPS - one record instead chain of two

Fixed Bug

  • EDELIVERY-1502 Character 0x4 is not handled correctly in "CreateParticipantIdentifier" request.
  • EDELIVERY-1730Change Non Root CA certificates returns Invalid Certificate Exception.
  • EDELIVERY-1975 Message errors for certificate validation in SML.
  • EDELIVERY-2110 ClearCache is not properly configured for some calls
  • EDELIVERY-2161 If http or https is malformed, SML does not throw an exception while creating new SMP records into the DNS
  • EDELIVERY-1930 Certificates deployed in test and acceptance SMP had expired.

Known issues and limitations


For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail: