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European Commission Digital

Domibus 5.1 RC1

This page collects the resources for Domibus version 5.1 RC1, released in February 2023.

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We are happy to announce that the release of Domibus 5.1 RC1 is available. Domibus is the sample implementation of an eDelivery Access Point maintained by the European Commission.

We invite all users to install Domibus 5.1 RC1 in their test environments as early as possible and report any issues they encounter during the upgrade process or during operations to As the final release of Domibus 5.1 is scheduled for 24/03/2023, any major issues to be addressed should be reported by 10/03/2023 at the latest.

Domibus 5.1 RC1 includes a number of new features, improvements, and bug fixes, among which:

  • New method to the WS plugin interface to getStatus based on the messageId and the role of the Access Point. The old method to getStatus based on messageId is marked as deprecated

  • Remove domainValidity cache since the call to validate domains is done once

  • Old backend interface replaced from the WS plugin distribution with the new wsplugin interface (wsdl and xsds)

  • Creation of alerts simplified: no need for custom property change listener, event queue listener, enqueue method or module configuration class

  • Add two internal API's to resend selected failed messages and resend all failed messages as batches from the admin console

  • Add property domibus.earchive.batch.size.payload to specify a total payload size limit of all archived messages in a batch

  • Add properties for the party ID type and responder role that are specific to Oasis and Peppol

  • Update the property types for activeMQ.JMXURL and activeMQ.brokerName to a comma-separated list to allow users to define multiple ActiveMQ broker entries for networks of brokers or brokers in a Master-Slave setup

  • Split DatabaseMessageHandler bean in 3 beans (MessageSubmitter, MessageRetriever, MessagePuller), each implementing just one interface

  • New Keystore page in the Domibus Admin Console

  • Smart retry for failed messages retrials (now taking advantage of the monitoring and attempting retry only after remote party is reachable)

  • Progressive retry feature in addition to constant: retry attempts can now be scheduled with gradually increasing intervals

  • Files can be sent to WS plugin as references to the filesystem

  • New retention policy for metadata: by setting delete_message_metadata and retention_metadata_offset the user can keep the metadata after the payload was deleted

  • Changed MySQL dialect from MySQL5InnoDBDialect to MySQL8Dialect

Domibus 5.1 RC1 is backward compatible with 5.0.4.

Supported platforms:

  • Application servers:
    • WildFly 26.1.x
    • WebLogic (tested version, future versions might work)
    • Apache Tomcat 9.0.x
  • Database:
    • MySQL 8 (future versions might work)
    • Oracle 12c R2 and Oracle 19c
  • Java 8 features / compile with Oracle JDK 8u291+: tested to run correctly with:
    • Oracle JDK 8u291+ for WebLogic, Tomcat and WildFly
    • OpenJDK 11.0.11 for WildFly and Tomcat (tested with AdoptOpenJDK 11 version

Security Note: To ensure their system’s security, users installing any of the Domibus packages labelled as “Full Distribution” have the responsibility to update the application servers to the latest version after the installation.


Quick Start Guide (pdf)
This guide allows the user to quickly get started with Domibus. After completing this document, you will have a local Domibus instance up and running locally on a Tomcat/MySQL environment.
Testing guide (pdf)
This document is intended for developers that want to perform a set of checks on their Domibus installation and testers that want to have a starting point to create their own test cases.
Interface Control Document of the default JMS (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the JMS Data Format Exchange to be used as part of the default JMS backend plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default (new) WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin.
Interface Control Document of the default (old) WS plugin (pdf)
This document describes the WSDL and the observable behaviour of the interface provided in the default WS plugin. 
Interface Control Document of the File System plugin (pdf)
The purpose of this document is to outline the file system messages exchange as part of the default File System (FS) backend integration solution for the Domibus Access Point.
Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to deploy and configure Domibus on WebLogic, Tomcat and WildFly with MySQL and Oracle. It also provides detailed descriptions of related Security Configurations (Policies, Certificates, TLS Configuration), Message Filtering, PMode Configuration, Application Monitoring, Registration of custom plugins and Troubleshooting.
File System Plugin Administration Guide (pdf)
The purpose of this guide is to provide detailed information on how to configure and deploy the File System Plugin available in Domibus 3.3 and later versions.
Plugin cookbook (implementation manual) (pdf)
After reading this document the reader should be aware of the capabilities provided by the Domibus plugin system. Additionally a developer familiar with the AS4 protocol will be able to implement a plugin integrating an existing back office application into Domibus.
Extension cookbook (pdf)
This document details the technical specifications of Domibus extension mechanism. It lays out applicable guidelines to support the technical implementation of an extension.
Validation extension cookbook (pdf)
This document details the technical specifications of Domibus Validation Extension mechanism. Its scope are the functional aspects of the extension mechanism and the technical and operational aspects of the extension mechanism.
Domibus Software Architecture Document (pdf)
This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict individual aspects of the system.  It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions that have been made on the system.
Domibus REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus REST services.
Domibus eArchiving REST services documentation
Documentation on the Domibus eArchiving REST services.
Licence (pdf)
European Union Public Licence.
Domibus upgrade and downgrade procedure
The purpose of this document is to describe the details of making a backup of Domibus and restore Domibus previous version if it is needed.

Migration from 5.0.x to 5.1 RC1

For a detailed description of the Domibus upgrade procedure, click here.

Release notes

Please find below the list of new features, improvements, solved bugs and known limitations:

New features

  • [EDELIVERY-9594] - Add a progressive retry delay to Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-9140] - New WS plugin: Add support for basic authentication when making requests to the backend(C4)) 
  • [EDELIVERY-7368] - Self sending production ready
  • [EDELIVERY-9625] - WS plugin should be able to reference payloads from the file system 
  • [EDELIVERY-9517] - Add Keystore page in the Admin Console
  • [EDELIVERY-8792] - Metadata retention policy configuration
  • [EDELIVERY-9546] - WS plugin: possibility to re-trigger the push of a failed message 
  • [EDELIVERY-1018] - Notify the producer and the consumer when a message receipt is not accepted
  • [EDELIVERY-10275] - Persist writable properties in the source files at runtime.
  • [EDELIVERY-10254] - Batch resending of JMS messages from the dead letter queue to the original queue
  • [EDELIVERY-10180] - Possibility to upload/get the Domibus truststore via Java ext api and REST
  • [EDELIVERY-10091] - Batch sending from the admin console
  • [EDELIVERY-10075] -  Extend health monitoring - self diagnosis
  • [EDELIVERY-10062] - Notify plugins on receiving error


  • [EDELIVERY-9414] - WS plugin backend: push notification cxf logging with same mechanism as existing
  • [EDELIVERY-9241] - Simplify the creation of events and their alerts 
  • [EDELIVERY-9205] - Remove set methods from DomibusUserDetails class to signal that it is read-only
  • [EDELIVERY-9241] - Simplify the creation of events and their alerts
  • [EDELIVERY-7965]- Externalize the embedded SQL of (stored procedures and others)
  • [EDELIVERY-7531] - Allow alerts based on Connection Monitoring status
  • [EDELIVERY-7277] - Notification mechanism should be sync/async for all notifications
  • ]EDELIVERY-4073] - Segregate logging per domain - add LoggerContext for each domain
  • [EDELIVERY-10479] - List of remarks about request listPushFailedMessagesRequest
  • [EDELIVERY-10286] - EO Access Point Configuration
  • [EDELIVERY-10191] - Add integration tests for Notification mechanism
  • [EDELIVERY-10188] - In the wsplugin distribution, replace the old backend interface wsdl with the new wsplugin wsdl
  • [EDELIVERY-9561] - Refactoring to fix circular dependency
  • [EDELIVERY-9560] - Use findByEntityId instead of findByMessageId where possible
  • [EDELIVERY-9541] - General solution to avoid cyclic dependencies through external modules/plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-9352] - Prepare partitions to be ready for deletion
  • [EDELIVERY-9347] - When a domain is disabled, existing sessions of the users on that domain should be terminated
  • [EDELIVERY-9208] - Remove Lazy annotation from DomainServiceImpl class
  • [EDELIVERY-9087] - Eliminate redundancy regarding DomibusUserDetails
  • [EDELIVERY-8835] - Split temp folder between features.  
  • [EDELIVERY-7772] - Hibernate setResultTransformer deprecated
  • [EDELIVERY-7367] - Improve structure of the Maven modules per server
  • [EDELIVERY-7356] - Rename domibus-ws-stubs
  • [EDELIVERY-4851] - When Split And Join capability is used it force saving payloads on disk
  • [EDELIVERY-3781] - Domibus should fail gracefully when plugin is not configured correctly
  • [EDELIVERY-2356] - JMS monitoring should work with a cluster of ActiveMQ brokers
  • [EDELIVERY-1515] - Enhance the message Log page
  • [EDELIVERY-1304] - Domibus-ws-stubs module should be a child of domibus-default-ws
  • [EDELIVERY-1275] - Spring should use managed threads in WebLogic and WildFly
  • [EDELIVERY-1076] - Split the BackendConnector into 2 different interfaces: one for delivery, one for submission
  • [EDELIVERY-10679] - Refresh Domibus certificates
  • [EDELIVERY-10650] - Disable metrics logs by default
  • [EDELIVERY-10514] - "Authentication exception" when submitting a message to a disabled domain
  • [EDELIVERY-10412] - UMMDS errors in Domibus 5.01
  • [EDELIVERY-10401] - Update Documentation Tomcat Cluster
  • [EDELIVERY-10349] - ICS2 not receiving messages from TAPAS
  • [EDELIVERY-10277] - Issue with migrated messages from 4.2.x to 5.0.x
  • [EDELIVERY-10255] - Message submission fails when using non-default MPC
  • [EDELIVERY-7061] - External property files for Domibus Default Plugins should be optional when possible

Fixed bugs

  • [EDELIVERY-10832] - Backward compatibility issue when submitting a message with old WS plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-10828] - Backward compatibility issue for Domibus 5.1 RC with 5.0 default plugins when submitting a message
  • [EDELIVERY-10798] - Possible backward compatibility issue for Domibus 5.1 RC with 5.0 default plugins
  • [EDELIVERY-10789] -SQL errors in log when starting Domibus after migration from 5.0.3 to 5.1 - multitenancy setup
  • [EDELIVERY-10787] - Request to re-push failed messages fails
  • [EDELIVERY-10782] - Plugin-Api behaviour after deliverMessage() seems different in 5.1
  • [EDELIVERY-10773] - Error when starting Domibus after migration from 5.0.3 to 5.1 - multitenancy setup
  • [EDELIVERY-10764] - UserMessage is null in FaultInHandler when notifying the plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-10748] - Issue with cesop keystore in PKCS12 format and openjdk version "11.0.18"
  • [EDELIVERY-10719] - Several BEA-160248 errors when deploying domibus on WebLogic related to jakarta.xml.bind-api-4.0.0.jar
  • [EDELIVERY-10718] - Error while sending message using UUMDS extension
  • [EDELIVERY-10707] - Sql scripts related to partitioning are not included in the distribution package
  • [EDELIVERY-10703] - NullPointerException in the logs when handling pull requests with certificate issues
  • [EDELIVERY-10660] - Errors shown in Domibus logs when accessing Properties page in Admin console
  • [EDELIVERY-10658] - Wrong error response when using old WS plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-10655] - getMessageErrors with AP role operation is not present in the wsdl
  • [EDELIVERY-10642] - WS plugin push: Database connection issue when client not started
  • [EDELIVERY-10636] - UI Message Filter - reordering the plugins cannot be saved (JS error)
  • [EDELIVERY-10632] - Conection monitoring self diagnosis seems to hang
  • [EDELIVERY-10630] - Conection monitoring can be performed in Admin Console even if disabled
  • [EDELIVERY-10623] - Re-enabling domain does not take effect at runtime, but after restart of Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-10615] - Super admin is rejected to make REST calls
  • [EDELIVERY-10613] - Plugin user configuration is damaged after a domain is disabled
  • [EDELIVERY-10610] - Distributed cache - Creating distributed cache not working correctly for wildfly cluster
  • [EDELIVERY-10609] - Distributed cache - Creating distributed cache not working correctly for tomcat cluster
  • [EDELIVERY-10587] - Maximum number of backups of property file is not taken into account
  • [EDELIVERY-10584] - In case of self sending, retrieving the message fails
  • [EDELIVERY-10583] - Several possible issues with "rePushFailedMessages" request
  • [EDELIVERY-10578] - Keystore log displayed everytime the keystore page is accessed
  • [EDELIVERY-10568] - In case of self sending, getMessageStatus response is not as expected
  • [EDELIVERY-10552] - No master ActiveMQ broker available
  • [EDELIVERY-10549] - Fix issue with update a jks keystore to a pkcs12 keystore
  • [EDELIVERY-10548] - getErrorsRequest response error in case of self sending
  • [EDELIVERY-10533] - Dynamic discovery: C2 does not verify the receiver's discovered certificate before saving it into the truststore
  • [EDELIVERY-10523] - Message queues are not getting loaded in source queue field
  • [EDELIVERY-10521] - Possible issues with 2 WS plugin properties default values or description
  • [EDELIVERY-10509] - Error when trying to save plugin property at runtime
  • [EDELIVERY-10505] - Message is handled by the WS plugin although it is disabled
  • [EDELIVERY-10504] - Older keystore is not Updated after domibus restart
  • [EDELIVERY-10503] - Warning message for keystore file on disk is displayed only the first time
  • [EDELIVERY-10502] - getErrorsRequest always assumes MSH sending role
  • [EDELIVERY-10500] - Issue with the new swagger war file in domibus 5.1 RC
  • [EDELIVERY-10498] - Save button is disabled for numeric properties in a particular case
  • [EDELIVERY-10495] - IO Exception when trying to backup domain properties files - multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-10489] - Several errors about domain properties are present in the log
  • [EDELIVERY-10484] - "Deleted" notification is not pushed to the backend
  • [EDELIVERY-10478] - Failed message not re-pushed from C3 to C4
  • [EDELIVERY-10468] - Refresh certificates when recently changed on disk
  • [EDELIVERY-10466] - Updating keystore alias at runtime between security profiles does not work properly
  • [EDELIVERY-10414] - Sending a message with split and join and FS plugin throws unexpected error on C3
  • [EDELIVERY-10390] - Null pointer when sending alerts
  • [EDELIVERY-10388] - Contraint violation while creating error log
  • [EDELIVERY-10367] - Move db schema validation from getDomains method
  • [EDELIVERY-10355] - Failed migrated messages  to newly Domibus 5.0 Partitioned
  • [EDELIVERY-10353] - Error response while trying to update UUMDS properties at runtime
  • [EDELIVERY-10347] - Logs for the earchiving module are not present
  • [EDELIVERY-10302] - Null pointer exception in earchiving
  • [EDELIVERY-10291] - Issue with domibus implementation of progressive retry mecanism
  • [EDELIVERY-10287] - Add metrics for test messages
  • [EDELIVERY-10284] - Error while trying to send push backend notification "Submit message"
  • [EDELIVERY-10283] - Push backend notification is not sent in case of pull message exchange
  • [EDELIVERY-10257] - WS plugin notifications for "send_failure", receive_fail" and "deleted" are not sent
  • [EDELIVERY-10256] - NullPointerException in the logs
  • [EDELIVERY-10239] - Fix expensive resource creation and destruction for a disabled domain in FS Plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-10225] - Delete old entries from the final recipient table
  • [EDELIVERY-10193] - Stuck thread when creating huge earchive batch
  • [EDELIVERY-10173] - Update archiving for self sending messages
  • [EDELIVERY-10152] - Encrypting domain properties creates issues for domain properties without fallback
  • [EDELIVERY-10131] - When fsplugin.messages.location to point another disk (Windows) files are not picked up
  • [EDELIVERY-10093] - Additional data retention policy rule in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-10081] - Cannot download message envelopes for signal messages
  • [EDELIVERY-10073] - ActiveMQ master slave with Domibus 5.0.1
  • [EDELIVERY-10053] - Message status not updated to downloaded for the old WS plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-10047] -Error setting up folders for domain
  • [EDELIVERY-9769] - Certificate alias property is not updated for WebLogic docker containers
  • [EDELIVERY-9724] - Domibus log: classname and line not found
  • [EDELIVERY-9721] - FSPlugin folder not created causes Bamboo plan LOAD Tomcat9(MySQL8)-Weblogic122_Cluster(Oracle) to fail
  • [EDELIVERY-9699] - Default Responder Role in Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-9663] - Parameterize Domain Creation in Taxud Domibus weblogic122 docker image
  • [EDELIVERY-9593] - Update Taxud Domibus weblogic122 docker image
  • [EDELIVERY-9532] - Wildfly Cluster Bamboo plan
  • [EDELIVERY-9527] - Fix Taxud bamboo plan
  • [EDELIVERY-9474] - WS plugin backend: push notification RECEIVE_FAIL investigate
  • [EDELIVERY-9460] - Authorise Receiving Messages in Dynamic Discovery
  • [EDELIVERY-9265] - Remove StorageDirectory
  • [EDELIVERY-9076] - Database Migration Plans Should Fail When Errors Get Reported in Database Containers
  • [EDELIVERY-9061] - Even if the fsplugin is disabled for a tenant, a received message is handled by the fsplugin
  • [EDELIVERY-8473] - Wildfly cluster not starting due to missing JDBC modules
  • [EDELIVERY-7934] - Unknown error for wrong security in AS4 messages
  • [EDELIVERY-10837] - Domibus with UUMDS and DSS extensions fails to start
  • [EDELIVERY-10833] - Backward compatibility issue when submitting a message with fs plugin
  • [EDELIVERY-10796] - Monitoring is not working with TAXUD setup
  • [EDELIVERY-10706] - Message is correctly sent although the sender's certificate is revoked
  • [EDELIVERY-10497] - Values for backup properties should be limited
  • [EDELIVERY-10348] - Log level update displayed for 1 tenant appear in the page for all teanants
  • [EDELIVERY-10307] - Cannot delete domain that was added at runtime by copying a domain folder
  • [EDELIVERY-10303] - Plugin error during deserialization in the notification process of the message
  • [EDELIVERY-10220] - Sending a file with FS plugin does not work as expected
  • [EDELIVERY-10137] - Fix secure validation errors associated with the latest version of Santuario XmlSec jar
  • [EDELIVERY-10134] - Create sql scripts for ongoing migration from 5.1 to 5.1
  • [EDELIVERY-10128] - Notify plugin when the receipt fails upon receiving a correct UserMessage
  • [EDELIVERY-10117] - WS plugin always marks the message as downloaded
  • [EDELIVERY-10099] - Publish updated SQL release scripts
  • [EDELIVERY-10064] - MySql migration plans are failing on development
  • [EDELIVERY-10027] - Investigate High CPU issue
  • [EDELIVERY-10025] - Circular Reference on Tomcat Cluster
  • [EDELIVERY-9742] - Error uploading pmode with specific values for progressive retry
  • [EDELIVERY-9736] - Admin console: error message when trying to download a READY_TO_PULL message
  • [EDELIVERY-9718] - Fix failing SoapUI tests in Bamboo plans
  • [EDELIVERY-9711] - Docker Oracle Non-Quick domibus-oracle Image Fails to Create oracle.status File On Startup
  • [EDELIVERY-9693] - Prepare and configure environment to add eArchiving tests
  • [EDELIVERY-9689]- Database Migration Difference on Oracle / MySQL 8 Multitenancy
  • [EDELIVERY-9623] - Alerts configuration issue
  • [EDELIVERY-9621] - Case sensitivity inconsistency in pmode validation
  • [EDELIVERY-9551] - Audit page: hiding entries from the audit page does not work properly
  • [EDELIVERY-9426] - If one domain schema is invalid the whole system fails to start or crashes when domain is enabled
  • [EDELIVERY-9404] - After 4.2.9 to 5.0 migration new errors appear in console logs
  • [EDELIVERY-9389] - Refactoring to fix circular dependency - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-9379] - Warnings about domibus.authentication.dss.custom.trusted.lists metadata in the logs
  • [EDELIVERY-9331] - UI: could not set the value 0.5 for the domibus.ui.pages.messageLogs.interval.default property
  • [EDELIVERY-9330] - Connection monitoring does not send test messages
  • [EDELIVERY-9329] - When current system party is not an initiator in the connection monitoring process parties listed in the Connection monitoring page should all be disabled
  • [EDELIVERY-9251] - Split and join fails with null pointer exception in logs  - part 1
  • [EDELIVERY-9138] - Disabled domain still receives messages
  • [EDELIVERY-9136] - All domains can be disabled
  • [EDELIVERY-9135] - Domain reappears in domain selector after page refresh
  • [EDELIVERY-8469] - Wildfly cluster - Party changes in one node not reflect on a different node
  • [EDELIVERY-8375] - Message Filter page issue
  • [EDELIVERY-7887] - Docker MySQL 8 image: no rights to delete/drop VIEWS
  • [EDELIVERY-7785] - Duplicate messageId for Signal messages when self-sending
  • [EDELIVERY-7571] - Split and Join: Atomikos transaction timeout on big fragment
  • [EDELIVERY-6657] - Connection monitoring feature is not working by setting party id in property for multiple identifier case
  • [EDELIVERY-5487] - UIReplication /sync REST and Quartz job improvement
  • [EDELIVERY-4754] - Text overlaps with action buttons in the JMS messages grid
  • [EDELIVERY-4745] - Show Only Test Messages checkbox overlaps with chevron from Received Up To when page is less than 1100px in width
  • [EDELIVERY-3896] - NPE: throttling message with 50% reliability
  • [EDELIVERY-3259] - Sending message to same AP: Issue when message with added suffix already exist
  • [EDELIVERY-3258]  - Sending message to same AP: Issue for very log messsage IDs
  • [EDELIVERY-3029] - UI: Add to all input fields in user interface length limitation 


  • [EDELIVERY-10734] - Fix sonarqube bugs in Domibus 5.1
  • [EDELIVERY-10437] - Implement distributed cache - testing in a cluster on all 3 servers
  • [EDELIVERY-10377] - Migration scripts do not set correctly the SQL scripts version
  • [EDELIVERY-10376] - UI: batch resending of JMS messages from the dead letter queue to the original queue
  • [EDELIVERY-10266] - Explore the WS plugin push feature
  • [EDELIVERY-10222] - Earchiving client should be generated in a separate maven module
  • [EDELIVERY-10138] - Extend health monitoring - UUMDS extension errors
  • [EDELIVERY-10119] - Default plugins should distribute external properties files
  • [EDELIVERY-10116] - Domibus Maven modules cleaning
  • [EDELIVERY-10110] - Validate/adapt archiving mechanism to support very large files
  • [EDELIVERY-10108] - Improve performance of large file exchange and of handling of very large files
  • [EDELIVERY-10082] - WS plugin multiple downloads review
  • [EDELIVERY-10072] - Update migration scripts for 5.0 and archive them
  • [EDELIVERY-10067] - Update Weblogic dependencies used for building Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-9782] - Correct liquibase scripts with addAfterColumn & upgrade liquibase to latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9723] - Get messages using primary key instead of using the message id
  • [EDELIVERY-9709] - Upgrade Domibus to the latest library versions
  • [EDELIVERY-9572] - Domibus Weblogic docker image
  • [EDELIVERY-4838] - Create MessageAbortableException interface for exceptions that lead to abort the sending
  • [EDELIVERY-10384] - Update Domibus SAD
  • [EDELIVERY-10304] - HikariCP library duplicate and causing random issues Tomcat startup
  • [EDELIVERY-10157] - Revise the creation of the payload handler in JMS message transformer
  • [EDELIVERY-10056] - Remove migration scripts for unsupported versions of Domibus
  • [EDELIVERY-9783] - Fix crashing test in WSPluginFaultOutInterceptorTest after upgrading all libs to latest versions
  • [EDELIVERY-9780] - Analyze errors while upgrading org.ehcache:ehcache to latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9779] - Analyze errors while upgrading org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator to latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9778] - Analyze errors while upgrading org.apache.activemq to latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9777] - Analyze errors while upgrading org.mapstruct to latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9776] - Analyze errors while upgrading org.hibernate to latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9775] - Analyze errors while upgrading org.apache.wss4j:*-security-* to latest version
  • [EDELIVERY-9719] - Fix domain schema check error in the case of Tomcat-Weblogic single tenant cluster
  • [EDELIVERY-6382] - Refactor PartyServiceImpl and UI part
  • [EDELIVERY-10050] - Test the CPU impact of filtering out the security and business log in domibus logback configuration
  • [EDELIVERY-9772] - Update Domibus Info Button to point to correct link

Known issues and limitations

  • [EDELIVERY-10777] - Several BEA-160248 errors when deploying domibus on WebLogic related to h2-2.1.214.jar

For more information, please contact us via our portal or by e-mail: