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European Commission Digital

DSS v5.4.3

Download DSS v5.4.3

Here, you can download the latest version of the Digital Signature Services open-source library released in August 2019. You can read more about DSS and how it can help you here.

Source code is available in .zip and tar.gz

Release note

Bug / Issue

  • [DSS-1725] - Issue to validate the DK TL
  • [DSS-1715] - eSig DSS 5.4.1 vulnerable to Signature Wrapping Attack

  • [DSS-1685] doesn't log sufficient information to analyse TSL download issues
  • [DSS-1663] -Fix for DSS-1630 costs 30% performance
  • [DSS-1652] -Allows to use DSS with Xalan
  • [DSS-1629] -Version conflict in one of transitive DSS dependencies
  • [DSS-1694] -Detailed report shows OUT_OF_BOUNDS_NO_POE for earlier timestamps even when properly covered by a valid archive timestamp
  • [DSS-1628] -Insecure RNG used
  • [DSS-1627] -Pdf content in PdfBoxSignatureService log
  • [DSS-1681] -Certificate chains are sometimes marked as untrusted even when an intermediate certificate is trusted, causing online revocation checks to be skipped by default
  • [DSS-1639] -ZIP bombing
  • [DSS-1630] -CertificatePool : certificate conflict by SubjectName
  • [DSS-1551] -DSS indicates that the certificate is not qualified, but I do not see any TLS overrules in the report
  • [DSS-1696] -Extension of PAdES signatures removes the earlier CRL and certificate references (when there are duplicates)
  • [DSS-1693] -Extension of XAdES-LTA signature copies old instead of embedding current revocation data
  • [DSS-1690] -Unstable validation result for a PAdES signature with two document timestamps
  • [DSS-1635] -XAdES signature is no longer considered valid after the first of the two archive timestamps expired
  • [DSS-1686] -XAdES signature is no longer considered QESig after the first of the two archive timestamps expired
  • [DSS-1647] -Inconsistent validation results from DSS 5.4 running on different servers
  • [DSS-1610] -Document with LTA level signature is not valid (NO_POE) anymore after signature certificate expiration.
  • [DSS-1581] -Use the validation pool from the CertificateVerifier for XAdES and CAdES extension.