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European Commission Digital

DSS v5.2.RC1

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DSS v5.2.RC1

This page collects the Digital Signature Service v5.2.RC1, released in September 2017. 

Download DSS v5.2.RC1

Source code is also available in .zip and .tar.gz
Bugs, issues or suggestions? Report it on JIRA

Release Note


  • [DSS-921] - An archive-extended signature with relevant, but missing revocation information still validates OK (as XAdES_BASELINE_LTA)
  • [DSS-1102] - DSS CRL validation
  • [DSS-1149] - Error in the simple report of an invalid XAdES LTA signature with an invalid ArchiveTimestamp
  • [DSS-1155] - Missing check for OtherCriteria in critical Qualifications Extension in TSL
  • [DSS-1160] - Use of TrustedListsCertificateSource while signing
  • [DSS-1212] - Error while retrieving expiredCertsOnCRL date
  • [DSS-1219] - Signing certificate validation material and archive-time-stamps
  • [DSS-1222] - Validation of time-stamp and archive-time-stamp produced at the same second
  • [DSS-1237] - Adding certificates does not work in DSS 5.1.RC1 demo web application and KeyStoreCertificateSource in general when using .p12
  • [DSS-1258] - XAdES countersignature verification not working


  • [DSS-798] - Allowed augmentation of XAdES detached signatures without providing the original file
  • [DSS-822] - RSASSA-PSS support
  • [DSS-1174] - XAdES manifest signature creation
  • [DSS-1211] - Avoid to load complete CRLs
  • [DSS-1221] - Simple validation report improvement for signatures with issues in time-stamps
  • [DSS-1228] - Add support of ServiceSupplyPoints
  • [DSS-1229] - PAdES : add rotation support for visible signatures
  • [DSS-1250] - DSS demo : allows to use secure cookies
  • [DSS-1251] - DSS demo : custom default error page

eSignature standards
Digital Signature Services (DSS)
ETSI Signature Conformance Checker
eSignature Service Desk
What is an electronic signature?
Start using DSS
Apply for eSignature grants